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Wearing my regular military uniform, I walk into the LexCorp base. A guard walks in front of me.

"I am gonna need to see some identification," He says.

I pretend to go through my jacket looking for my ID.

"I must have forgotten it."

I stare at him and my eyes turn red. He tries to scream but my heat vision goes through his head before he can.

"Won't be hearing from him," I say to myself.

I take the guard's key and enter the base. I walk around, examining the area with my x-ray vision. However, I cannot look through the walls. The base must be lined with lead.

"Mr. Luthor!" I hear a man yell.

I turn in the direction of the sound and watch a man walk up to Lex who is with 5 other people.

"Mr. Luthor, I regret to inform you that both the alien and John Corben have been taken from the research facility!"

"Are any of you even remotely competent?!" He asks in anger.

"Find me that alien or it's your head!"

"Yes, Mr. Luthor!" The worker says, running off.

He turns his attention back to the people he is with.

"My apologies. Now where were we? Ah yes, the weapons facility which houses the most advanced and up-to date technology to date."

I slowly follow behind him. I spot something out of the corner of my eye. I look to my left and see a door marked "Classified." I pull the door out and walk through. I look around and see giant tanks containing people. They weren't soldiers like Corben. They were Middle-Eastern people who were probably taken from their homes.

"What the hell are you up to, Luthor?!"

I keep walking until I reach a room with a computer. I open the computer and it reveals files.

"What is "Project: Savior?" I ask myself.

I click on one of the files which displays a video of a girl from one of the villages being experimented on. I can barely watch but my heart tells me otherwise. As I watch I feel an immense amount of rage swell inside of me. I clench my fist and grab the computer throwing it against the wall.

"There will be hell to pay Luthor and you will pay for it with your own life!"

I run back to the tanks where the experimented people are being contained. I punch through the glass of each tank at super-speed and the people flow out of the tanks. I help them recover on their feet.

"Go! Get out of here!" I yell.

I feel something hit my neck. I pull a dart with kryptonite out of my neck.

"You are so easy to track down!" A familiar voice says.

I around and see General Lane holding a tranquilizer gun.

"Lane?! You're with him?!"

"I am sorry," he says.

I can't believe this. He was becoming the closing thing to a father to me and then he pulls this.

"How-How could you?! I looked up to you!"

"You wouldn't understand! You don't have a child whose life is being threatened!" He yells with tears falling from his eyes.

"What are you talking about?" I ask in a shocked and confused tone.

"Lois. He threatened to kill her if I didn't help him!"

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

"Because he knows how to kill you so I didn't want you to be a part of this! And I still can't!"

I slowly begin to walk up to him.

"Stand back!" He yells, aiming the rifle at me.

"Lane! Drop the gun! I can help you save her!"

"No you can't! NO ONE CAN!!!" He yells.

He shoots another dart but this time I dodge it with my super speed and with my speed I pull out the gun out of his hand and push him backwards. He falls against the wall and goes unconscious.

I carry him over me shoulders and using my super-speed, I run out of the base.

Superman: Soldier [DC Antiverse]Where stories live. Discover now