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I continue fighting the terrorists and sending them either running or to their graves. My actions garner media attention and Lane supports the publicity. I get interviews and talk shows. The public loves me. The other soldiers also begin to respect me and I think they feel like I am a hero to them. This makes me anxious because I don't feel like a hero. I am just a guy who just wants to help others and punish those who would do harm.

One day I walk through one of the villages with General Lane. A fleet of soldiers are right behind us. I look around and feel sorrow for the people. Their houses are small and they practically have nothing. A child without a shirt runs up to his mother. All of the villagers are staring at me. How can someone live like this?

"I can't believe people actually live like this," I say.

"It's a sad reality, Clark." General Lane says.

I hear a feeling of guilt in his voice.

"Why doesn't the government do anything about it?"

"Honestly I think they just don't care enough."

"They have a responsibility to help their people. You can't save everyone, Superman."

A dead woman lays at my feet. What have these monsters done?!

"There is going to be hell to pay for this!" I yell.

I feel something tugging at my feet. I look down and see a woman grabbing my feet. She is bleeding and probably in shock. I bend down and carry her in my arms.

"Please help me," the woman begs, weakly.

"Don't worry. You're safe now."

I run her over to a medic camp to get her treated. The doctors take her in. I turn my attention back to the rest of the village. Words cannot describe the amount of sorrow I feel for these people.

"Everybody get down!" A soldier yells.

Everything slows down and I see a tank missile heading towards where General Lane is. I speed into action and push back Lane while jumping in front of him. There is a huge explosion. I breath heavily and look around to see if anyone is hurt. I find Lane on the ground still alive.

"Are you alright, General?"

"Just a scratch, Superman. I have been through worse."

I scan his body for injuries. I spot a piece of shrapnel in his leg.

"This is going to hurt," I say, turning on my heat vision.

My eyes turn red and stare at his leg as I cut out the shrapnel. It falls out and I grab it and throw it away.

"Medics!" I call out.

Two medics rush over and carry him away. I look out to see what fired at us. My eyes move past the rubble and debris until it reaches a giant tank. It is about to fire another round. Not before I have anything to say about it.

I fly at the tank and grab its turret. I twist it around and bend it backwards. I then lift the tank and throw it into the air. My eyes heat up and I blast it with my heat vision, causing it to explode. I look around to see if other enemy forces are near.

"The coast is clear!" I shout.

The fleet of soldiers emerges from behind a wall and follow me. I super-speed ahead to check the coast.

"No sign of the terrorists."

"Hey, Superman. Me and the other guys wanted to ask you a question?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"Is true that you can fly?"

"No. At least I don't think so. But I can leap tall buildings in a single bound. I need to test it sometime."

I hear the sound of a motor. I look up and spot a helicopter flying towards us.

"Who are they?" I ask.

"Not sure."

Suddenly bullets start hitting me. I get in front of the soldiers to protect them from the gunfire.

"Now would be a good time to test it," a soldier says.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I crouch down and bend my legs. I release my mind.

"Okay, I can do this."

"Superman, hurry! There isn't much time!" I can hear a soldier yelling.

I lift my myself off the ground and my body becomes light as a feather. I feel a joyful sensation in my body. I lift my arms and thrust them forward. I feel wind in my face. It feels soothing. I feel like I am at the top of the world. I look down at the world. Then I remember the helicopter that is attacking us. I stare at the helicopter as it continues firing. I thrust my arms forward and charge at it. I fly through it's hull and send it crashing down. It explodes upon impact with the ground. I fly back to my squad to see if they are okay. I float above them while looking down.

"Is everyone alright?"

The soldiers see me and stare in awe.

"So you can?"

I grin but then I remember our mission. We have to get to our base. I hear a noise in the distance that sounds like gunfire. I hear screams and people running. I fly forward and look with my telescopic vision. I fly until I reach another village and discover buildings on fire and burnt victims in the streets. I spot a group of soldiers holding flamethrowers. My rage flares up and my eyes glow red.

"HOW DARE YOU?!" I yell.

I burst forward with super-speed and grab one of the terrorists by his neck.

"I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU CAN LIVE WITH YOURSELF!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

I throw him through several buildings and turn my attention towards the other terrorists. An idea hits me suddenly. I clap my hands together really hard. The force produces a huge shockwave that sends the terrorists flying. I stare at the burning buildings trying to figure out a way to stop the fires. Suddenly I feel something in my lungs. It begins to tense up. I take a deep breath and blow as hard as possible. The fires go away instantly. All of the villagers come out of their hiding spots and cheer at me. I shake hands with the villagers and hug them. I rendezvous with my squad.

"Everyone is safe. How much further is the base?" I ask.

"Not much further, Superman. Just down that hill."

We keep moving forward while I fly ahead to make sure we aren't ambushed again.

Superman: Soldier [DC Antiverse]Where stories live. Discover now