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"What do you want from me, Lane?" I ask, annoyed.

"I apologize for the hostile treatment we dealt towards you last time, but this time we want to bring you in for discussion."

"Whatever it is, I am not interested," I say.

I begin walking away from the door.

"You haven't heard us out. We have your alien spacecraft at our base."

I stop in my tracks. I turn around.

"We can show you but only if you are willing to come in and hear us out."

"About what, exactly?" I ask, confused.

"We have watched you, Kal. You are powerful and we could use an alien such as yourself in our ranks. So how about instead of doing a job like this one, you undertake a job that will allow you to utilize your full potential while helping our country?"

"You want me to join the Army?"

"You were a soldier where you came from, right?"

I ponder the idea for a moment.

"Why should I fight for you or for this country? This country has done nothing but hate and fear me."

"You have the potential to give this country something it desperately needs."

"And what is that exactly?"



"There are billions of people out there suffering, Clark and you have the potential to help them."

"You don't need my help. One man cannot save an entire planet!"

"Why? Because you feel like you couldn't save yours?"

My eyes begin to turn red.

"Watch how you speak to me!"

General Lane steps back a little. I know he is scared of me. I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

"Give me one good reason why I should join?"

"There are enemies who are threatening our countries."

"Your enemies, not mine."

"Are you always this stubborn?"

"Get used to it. Now leave me alone!"

I begin to shut the door but then I see Lane's foot in the doorway. I stop closing it right when it reaches his foot.

"You aren't going to leave me alone, are you?"

General Lane shakes his head. I sigh and open the door.

"Alright fine, but first I want to see my ship."


I ride with General Lane to the military base in his helicopter.

"Flying feels exhilarating! I love it!" I yell.

"So how did you become a soldier?"

"Training. For a normal human, it would take a year but for you, we have a different type of training ready."

"I have already trained on my planet when I was part of its military."

"Great! Then this shouldn't be a challenge for you."

We arrive at the military base. A man in a white coat stands outside. As soon as we get off the copter, he runs up to us.

"So this is him?" The man asks.

"Calm down, Emil. This is Kal-El or Clark Kent."

"Just call me Clark," I say, holding my hand out.

He shakes my hand fiercely.

"My name is Dr. Emil Hamilton. You can call me Emil, it doesn't really matter. You don't know how long I have been waiting to meet you. An actual alien in-in front of me. I can hardly believe my eyes," He says in a fast tone.

"I am here for my ship."

"Of course, right this way."

We enter the facility and walk down a hallway. I hear Emil talking to Lane.

"So what do you know about him?" Emil asks.

"He is strong. He took down several of my men with only a breath of wind from his mouth."


We arrive in this huge room where a bunch of technology is and right in the center is my scout ship.

"We have tried to open it but it wouldn't respond to us."

I walk up to the ship. It detects my presence.

"Kryptonian detected. Welcome, Kal-El."

The door of the ship opens and I walk in. I look around the ship. It hasn't changed at all. I spot a compartment and open it. I find a red blanket inside and a black Kryptonian uniform inside.

"Kelex, how many days has it been since Krypton exploded?" I ask.

"It's been 52 days since Krypton exploded."

I spot a picture in the compartment.

"Lo-Van," I say in a sad tone.

I grab the photo and gaze at it. Tears fall out of my eyes.

"Oh, how I wish you could be here with me," I think.

I walk out of the ship and meet with General Lane.

"So now what?"

"We get ready."

Superman: Soldier [DC Antiverse]Where stories live. Discover now