Boot Camp

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"I want you to meet your new team, Clark!" Lane yells.

We arrive outside where there is a huge field of obstacle courses and nets. A group of cadets are running around the field.

"So what am I doing now?" I ask.

"We know how strong and indestructible you are, but how well can you work in a team?"

I look at the soldiers running around and training.

"You may be invulnerable but your teammates are not. You have to protect them, Clark."

"But they will just slow me down."

General Lane slaps me in the face but I don't feel anything.

"Was that supposed to hurt?"

"You listen here, soldier. If you can't be part of a team then you might as well just walk out of here! Do you want that?"

I shake my head.

"Then suck it up and work with your team!"

I sigh and walk out to meet my team.

"Attention!" Lane yells.

The group of cadets run towards us and fall into formation.

"At ease. This is your leader, Clark Kent. He will be your supervising officer and head of your unit. If any of you fall out of line, he will report it to me and trust me when I say that you don't want that to happen! Do I make myself clear?!"

The soldiers nod and mumble yes.


"SIR YES SIR!!!" The entire unit yells out.

"They are all yours, Captain!" Lane says before walking away.

I look at my squadron and sigh.

"What am I getting myself into, Clark?" I ask myself.

I start my team off with some exercises such as push-ups and sit-ups. It's frustrating having to wait for them. Then we take some laps around the field. We crawl through trenches and climb nets. I stay in the back to make sure that no one struggles behind. We climb a tall net. Suddenly a cadet loses his grip and falls off the net. I leap off the ground and catch him.

"Look at you! You need to be stronger!"

"With all due respect, Captain, none of us have your special gifts."

"Did I ask for your commentary, Private?!" I yell, frustrated.

I end our training and everyone runs to the showers. I sit down and think about what I am doing.

"Am I really cut out for this?" I ask myself.

"Rough first day?" a voice says.

I turn and see General Lane behind me.

"You have to be patient with them, Clark."

"I just wanted to fight, not lead."

"Well you have the chance now. You have completed your training."

I am happy but then I become curious about something.

"General Lane, there is something that I have been meaning to talk to you about."

"What is it?"

"I keep hearing the word "superman" being used. What does it mean?"

"I suppose now is as good of a time to tell you. This training that you are undergoing is part of a project that the military is partaking in alongside a scientific organization called STAR Labs. It's called Project Superman. We started building the project after we heard about your spaceship which landed in Smallville. The goal of this project is to make an alien into a powerful warrior, a champion for our country. Fighting for truth, justice, and the American way!"

I don't know what to make of this. I am astonished and scared at the same time.

"So I am your superman?" I ask.

"You are and you will be our fighter against enemy forces that are threatening our country."

Superman: Soldier [DC Antiverse]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant