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I watch as Lex Luthor walks around the camp site, shaking hands and greeting soldiers. He finally walks up to me and Lane.

"It's been a while, Sam."

"Lex," General Lane replies.

He turns to me.

"And you must be the so-called "Superman" that they have been talking about in the news?"

He holds his hand out. I turn towards Lane and then back at Lex. A feeling of hesitation hits me. I remember what Emil Hamilton told me. However, I decide to be polite and shake his hand.

"You are doing a great service for our country," Lex says.

"Only trying to help like any good soldier."

"That's what I like to hear," he replies, turning. His attention back to Lane.

"There is a meeting in 15 minutes. Better be there, Lane."

"Don't tell me how to do my job, Lex. Your not in charge of me."

"Maybe not but I do fund you," he says, smirking.

I can sense the anger boiling up inside of him.

"Just do your job and let us will do ours!" He yells.

I hold Lane back gently. I knew if I don't, a fight might break out.

"Of course."

Lex walks off. I release Lane from my gentle grip.

"That snake!" Lane yells, walking back into his tent

I follow him in.

"What did he do to you?"

"He is so egotistical and conniving. The only reason that he even funds the military is to make himself look better. He has been putting multiple companies out of business or buying them illegally. He is nothing but a greedy, self-centered, rich asshole!"

"Sounds like a nice person," I say, sarcastically.

Lane looks at me.

"Sorry I thought a little humor would soften your mood."

He turns his head straight.

"He also tries to interfere in our operations. He is not my freaking superior officer!" Lane yells, slamming his hands on a table.

"Calm down, Lane."

"Don't tell me to calm down! No one likes me when I am riled up like this and you certainly don't want to mess with me!" He yells.

I back away to give him some space.

"Talk to me when you are ready," I say.

I head out of the tent to give him some breathing space. I look around and watch soldiers stare at me as they walk by.

"You are awesome, dude!"

I turn around and see a young looking soldier standing behind me.

"You are a badass! It's an honor to fight alongside you!"

I look around in confusion.

"Um thanks. And you are?"

"Oh sorry. I am Corporal John Corben! No need to introduce yourself. I know who you are."

We shake hands.

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

"No, Superman. The pleasure is mine. I heard about your single-man liberation of a village. What you did was nothing short of BADASS!!" He yells in excitement.

"Look, Corporal. I have to get to my next mission so-"

"Say no more! You are a busy man! Maybe we can hang out sometime!"

I smile at his gesture.

"Yeah that sounds awesome."

He walks off. I hear General Lane walking behind me. I turn towards him.

"Why don't you take a break, Clark?"Lane asks.

"Are you sure, sir?"

"You've earned."

Superman: Soldier [DC Antiverse]Where stories live. Discover now