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I wear an Army jacket sitting on the plane. I focus on honing my abilities. I suddenly hear screams. The cries of innocent children. It sickens me to my core. I look around at the soldiers sitting next to me. It doesn't seem to bother them. I feel the copter rock back and forth. It's unnerving. I hear the sound of a child crying as he is getting beaten up.

"Why do I hear all this crying?! What is going on?" I ask, standing up from my seat and covering my ears.

"These people are being held captive by Iranian terrorists. We are here to liberate them."

"I hear their pain. Their cries. I have to help them!"

"Focus on the bigger picture, Superman! Saving this one village won't eliminate the enemy!" Lane yells.

I hear the voice of a little girl calling out for her mother. This is the last straw.

"I HAVE HEARD ENOUGH!!!" I yell, making my eyes glow red.

I rip my jacket off revealing my Superman uniform. I grab the door and rip it off.

"Is the cape necessary?" Lane yells.

"Completes the look for me."

I jump out of the helicopter and slam in the middle of a village, causing a huge shockwave. I look around as civilians cower and hide from me. A feeling of sorrow enters me. I spot a little boy hiding in a corner. I approach him, slowly.

"Don't be afraid, I am here to help," I say in a gentle tone.

"HELP!!! MOMMY HELP!!!" A child's voice yells.

I turn around and spot a man dressed in a weird-looking garb pointing a rifle at a little girl. The little girl has bruises and cuts on her face and arms. My anger flairs like crazy.

"PEOPLE LIKE YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BREATHE!!!" I shout at the top of my lungs.

With super-speed, I dash at the terrorist. My eyes glow red. However, before I can attack, he grabs the girl and aims his rifle at her neck.

"[Make one more step and I splatter her head all over the walls!]" The man yells in Iranian.

My eyes turn red and I blast a laser through his forehead. He falls to the ground, lifeless. I crouch down to the little girl.

"[Are you alright]" I ask the little girl in Iranian.

The child doesn't say a word. I place on my hand on her shoulder. She is shaking really fast. I can only imagine the trauma that she went through.

"[Help is on the way. We will get you home.]" I say, softly.

I hear footsteps moving fast. I stand back up and look at where they are coming from. I spot a squadron of 10 Middle-Eastern soldiers running towards me.

I grab the little girl and hide her in a house.

"I'll come back for you," I say.

I hear guns loading behind me. I smirk and turn around.

"[Hello, gentlemen. I am Superman]."

The soldiers look at each other in confusion.

"[Superman?]" A soldier asks.

I roll my eyes. These guys really don't understand who I am. Well they're about to. At least the ones who are still standing.

"I don't really appreciate you hurting these innocent people."

"[This is none of your f***ing business, American!]"

"[Wow, aren't you hostile?]" I ask, sarcastically.

"[Anyways, let's get started, shall we?]" I ask.

I leap at one of the soldiers and send him flying into a wall with a single punch. The other soldiers watch as their fellow soldier goes flying into the wall. They look back at me with a bit of fear in their eyes.

"I've made them afraid of me. Good," I tell myself.

I crack my knuckles and prepare to face my next attacker.

"So who is next?" I ask with a smirk on my face.

The soldiers aim their rifles at me and begin firing. The bullets bounce off my skin like nothing. The soldiers continue firing, despite this. When they stop and see that I am still standing alive, they panic.

"[He's-He's not human!]" One of the soldiers yells.

I dash at a soldier and grab him by the collar. I throw him at another soldier and the two get knocked out. Another soldier pulls out a grenade. I quickly grab the grenade and toss it down my throat. I burp really loudly.

"Mmm, delicious," I say, licking my lips.

I grab the soldier who threw the grenade at me by his collar and laser him through his eyes. I drop his lifeless corpse to the ground and brush my hands off. I look at the 6 remaining terrorists still standing and give them a glare. They run away in fear.

"And just where do you think you're going?"

I run after them. I know that they are probably going to warn their leader about me. I catch up to them and throw one of them through a wall. I grab two of the soldiers and shove them into each other causing their bones to break. Then I snap their necks, killing them instantly. I grab another soldier and repeatedly punch him in the face until it is totally jacked up. I grab the 4th soldier and punch a hole through his chest. I blow the 5th soldier into the air at a high velocity with my super-breath. He falls from the sky and lands dead. I turn towards the last soldier. I slowly walk up to him, menacingly. He trips and falls. He crawls backwards in fear.

"[P-Please don't kill me! I have a wife and daughter! I will do anything you ask]."

I think for a moment. I grab him by the throat and raise him in the air.

"Who the hell are you working for?" I ask.

"I work for many people. You're going to have to be more specific."

I grab his leg and begin to twist.

"ARRGH!!!" He cries out in pain.

"Answers! NOW!!!" I yell, enraged.

"Alright, alright! I work for this warlord who takes pleasure in conquering small villages for their resources!"

"What is his name?!"

"I don't know his real name. No one does. But everyone calls him The Savage One!" The soldier yells.

I toss him to the ground.

"Leave and if I find you threatening innocent people again, I won't be so merciful towards you! What does your family think of you?!" I ask in disgust

He runs away. My anger begins to subside.

"Looks like you were busy," a familiar voice says.

I turn around and see General Lane, Hamilton, and other soldiers walking towards me.

"I found out about their leader. They call him the Savage One."

"We'll find him, Superman," Lane says.

Lane looks around at the destroyed buildings and property.

"You made quite a mess here. Be more careful next time."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Superman: Soldier [DC Antiverse]Where stories live. Discover now