Getting things back on track

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It had been a few days now, since Aaliyah had returned. She was enjoying running chammi and Jameels mum ragged. She went to the office and realised what a bad state it was in. She was told Jameel hadn't been in, since his wife left in. Aaliyah couldn't bear to see the office her uncle had lovingly built, be destroyed. Aaliyah and her cousin, invested money in and Aaliyah became the new chairman.

"Can you call a staff meeting for tomorrow morning.? We need to get this office running again." she told one of the senior staff. Aaliyah was happy. She wasn't going to let her uncles legacy be ruined. She would set things right, even if she had to work day and night. After all, if it wasn't for her uncle, Jameel wouldn't be in her life. How she missed him. He was so close, yet so far. Her heart yearned for Jameel. Still, at least she was living in the same house as him, albeit as a different person. She could keep a close eye on him.

The next morning, Aaliyah started the meeting. Jameel wandered in late, and gasped as he saw her there. "MR Jameel, we called a meeting for nine. I expect you to be punctual and be here at nine. I won't take any of this lateness or sudden absences. You've had a while to deal with your personal problems, now I expect you to be totally focused on work". Aaliyah resumed the meeting and told everyone how they would as a company grow again.

Aaliyah told everyone their jobs, then left saying she had lunch with her husband. Jameel followed her, but kept a few steps back. Aaliyah noticed him, but kept up her pace. She hugged her cousin, then whispered Jameel was there, so to act all lovely dovely. Jameel watched as they fed each other, and his mind went back to when he would feed Aaliyah or she would feed him.

"If that Jameel fellow doesn't get his act together, I might have to fire him. My company can't afford time wasters" Aaliyah said, loud enough so Jameel could overhear.

Aaliyah then hurried back to work. "Me and my husband are throwing a party this evening, to celebrate that this office is back. I expect you all there." Aaliyah rang Jameels mum and chammi and told them what she needed for the party, and how to decorate the house. She was going to have a lot of fun with them tonight.

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