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I'm finally home after being at CJ's house and this made me like her even more than I already did

She's nice, she's funny and she's a lowkey nerd

I walked in my apartment and my aunt May was sitting on the couch

"Hey where were you...Ned came looking for you and Mr Stark never called me so I know that you weren't with him" she said

"I was at my friend CJ's house" I said

"CJ as in The Cameron Jones your very first crush" she asked

"Yeah her...please don't make a big deal out of this" I said

"How could I not...you were so obsessed with her until Liz came and then when Liz left you said back to CJ" she explained

"It wasn't like that...I felt like I actually had a chance with Liz...she liked smart guys and I'm very smart but CJ was a total badass...she turned every popular guy down and if they didn't have a chance why would I" I said

"Well it seems to me that if she turned every popular guy down and you were at her house, she might actually like you" she said

"Impossible I'm not like the other guys" I said

"That's a good thing because she turned all the other guys down...look just keep talking to her and if she doesn't like you now...she will later" she said and went into her room and I sighed

CJ could never like me...I'm just a plain kid who does nothing with my life...I mean I could tell her about the whole Spider-Man thing but she'd freak

I went into my room and laid down then I got a text from an unknown number

(***)-***-****: wassup loser

Me: who's this

(***)-***-****: it's Cameron save my number idiot 😂

Me: oh shit okay...but how did you get my number

CJ🥵😍: I'm Cameron fucking Jones...I have my connections

Me: you do realize that you're the most popular girl in school right?

CJ🥵😍: I'm aware

Me: wouldn't your connections think that it's weird that you were asking for my number

CJ🥵😍: they'll be alright

Me: why become friends with me

CJ🥵😍: I've told you this many times Peter...it's not a setup and it's not a joke I'm serious you and Ned are cool

Me: oh okay

CJ🥵😍: sooo how was the food

Me: it was great I didn't know that you could cook

CJ🥵😍: yeah well my dad was the cook and my couldn't cook for shit I always thought it was weird because like you're a black mom why can't you cook but before she met my dad my grandparents spoiled her because they were filthy rich so they always had cooks and she never learned so like when she moved in with my dad he would always cook and he ended up teaching me and my brother and when he died I just started cooking dinner

Me: wow I'm really sorry about your fathers death I've always felt sorry for you but I never had the guts to talk to you

CJ🥵😍: well when your parents died I felt really bad for you also like you lost both of them I can only imagine how that feels

Me: you know about that?

CJ🥵😍: well yeah we've been going to the same schools since preschool

Me: yeah we have I didn't think you'd remember me

CJ🥵😍: how could I forget...you were the only person I'd share my animal crackers with and I hated sharing

Me: yeah and everyday I'd bring 2 juice boxes...one for me and one for you

CJ🥵😍: I miss when we were younger...I wasn't labeled as popular and I could live a normal ass life

Me: yeah me too...I wasn't nerdy

CJ🥵😍: oh no you were always nerdy but back in preschool all the girls loved the nerds

Me: yeah 😂

CJ🥵😍: well my mom is here I'll see you in first period tomorrow goodnight loser

Me: goodnight CJ 😂


Peter😎🥰: goodnight CJ 😂

I read his last text message and went downstairs

"Hello mother" I said

"Hi baby what did you do today" she asked

"Oh I had some friends over" I said

"Friends? Not just Alayna" she asked

"Nah...it was Alayna, Ned and Peter" I said

"Peter as in Peter Parker" she asked

"Yeah" I said

"Wait...isn't he dating Liz, you're taking her man?" she asked

"Mom me and Peter aren't doing anything and no they're not dating she graduated last year" I said

"I remember you hated her because Peter asked her to homecoming" she said

"Mom I didn't care because I never liked Peter and I don't like him now plus I've always hated Liz" I said

"Yeah but why" she asked

"Because of what she said about Dad...people think that she's all innocent and sweet but she's more of an asshole than I am" I explained

"Oh yeah I forgot about that you came home crying and I wanted to go up to that school and break her neck in half" she said and I laughed

"Yeah but mom...we don't talk about me crying because I don't cry" I said

"Yeah right" she said and I laughed

"Well since you're interested in Peter I want you to wear all your out outfits to school from now on" she said

"Mom I'm not interested in anyone and noooo my out outfits are for when I'm out not at school" I said

"You never go out you spend all that money for no reason...if you don't start wearing them to school then I'm cutting your allowance" she said

"By how much" I asked

"100%" she said and I groaned

"Okay fine I'll wear them" I said

"Good now go shower and go to bed" she said and I nodded and went upstairs to get ready for bed

I'm sick 🤒

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