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Me, Peter, Ned, and Alayna were sitting at a table watching the girls warm up

"So since you're captain and not co captain...I believe that you're gonna make it easy on them" Alayna said

"I've been watching my brother do this when he was Captain...and I'm gonna use his technique" I said

"And that is?" Peter asked

"Tough love" I said and Alayna sighed as I blew my whistle and stood up and I walked to the center of the court

"Ball" I called out and someone passed me the ball and I caught it

"Okay girls if you want to be on this team then you are gonna have to work hard and together which means that if you're beefing with anyone you're not in here because we are all sisters and on this court we get along and I won't have none of my girls arguing or fighting during our games" I said and someone laughed and whispered

"Says you...you're not our coach" and it was Stephanie Richards...she was captain last year and gave me and Alayna complete hell and she's not even really all that good but last year it was the team that chose the captains so they decided to switch it up this year so it would be fair

"See Stephanie...in here you use your big girl voice and I can see that clearly your balls haven't dropped and yeah you're right I'm not your coach and I'm also not your captain because sorry you didn't make cuts now get the hell out of my gym" I said and she ran out

"Now...does anyone else have anything that they need to get off their chest" I asked and nobody said anything

"Okay great...lets begin with drills" I said


So me and Alayna are figuring out who made the team or not

"CJ you look like you're the one trying out for the team...you're so sweaty" Alayna said

"This team is gonna need so much practice like the girls are so talented but they're technique is sloppy...I had to go out there and fix mistakes sooo many times" I said sighing

"And it doesn't help that you chose to wear that long sleeve" she said

"You know how I feel about short sleeves during basketball and you can't talk because your shorts look like aluminum foil" I said and she gasped

"You said that you loved these shorts" she said

"And you said that you loved this long sleeve" I said

"I'm sorry but you look like a sweaty ogre" she said

"And you look like leftovers from a cook out" I said

"Okay girls calm down" Peter said

"He's right...but we need to give some of these girls a few days to prove that they've got what it takes to be on this team" I said and I stood up and blew my whistle and they all went to the base line

"Okay so I'm gonna give you guys some more time to prove yourselves ready to be on this team and I know that some of you guys may not be feeling it today and I get it so everyday after school starting Monday of course you will be here in this gym at 4:30...the last day of tryouts is the day after the Halloween party which is actually on a Saturday so if you really wanna be on this team you better show up on time so you have one week to prove to me that you really wanna be on this team so don't party to hard ladies" I said and I sat down and they were still standing there and I was confused

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