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I'm back at school and I'm looking for Peter and I see him talking to Liz and it looks like they're in a deep conversation but I don't care and I walked up to them

"Peter...I'm sorry about everything that happened and I understand why you said what you said" I said

"Where is this random apology coming from" he asked

"I had a talk with someone from my past who was very important to me...we were talking about you and that person said that you were basically acting like that because you really really like me" I explained

"Liz could you excuse us...we'll finish talking later" he said to her and she nodded and left

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Yeah I'm fine...why?" I asked

"You're confusing as hell...one minute you're into me and the next minute you're not...you told me that you needed a break from me and now you're apologizing" he said

"I see why you're confused but you have understand this...I was literally in a 3 year relationship and whenever something went wrong I literally ignored it and things happened between me and him...things that I'm not proud of and I have to live with it for the rest of my life then me ignoring those problems made him feel like I didn't care and then he left and never talked to me ever again" I said and he frowned

"What happened between you two" he asked

"That's a conversation for later but right now we need to talk about me and you" I said

"Well what about me and you" he asked

"I'm gonna try my best to actually solve the problems instead of just getting mad and not wanting to talk to you" I said

"And I'll try my best not to get jealous around guys...and I've come to find out that Josh is actually a really cool guy" he said

"Wait...you think Josh is cool?" He asked

"Yeah I mean...me and him had a talk after you left and he clarified things" he said and I nodded

"But if you're not busy on Friday...we could maybe go to Coney Island together and this time no friends no parties...just you and me getting to know more about each other" I said and he smiled

"Is Cameron Vasleka Dawn Jones asking me out on a date" he said and I laughed

"Yeah she is but if you don't hurry up and make your mind up she's just gonna say never mind" I said and he laughed

"I would love to" he said and then Flash walked up to us

"Hey you two I just wanna apologize for spreading those rumours about you two and I already told everyone that I made it up...can you two please forgive me" he said and I frowned

"Flash what's going on" I asked

"Nothing just please forgive me...he could be watching" Flash said

"Um yeah you're forgiven but who's he and why is he watching us" I asked and he looked at me and it looked like he was terrified

"I can't say too much but let's just say he's not as friendly as they say he is" Flash said and instantly walked off

What? He's not as friendly as they say he is

"Wow what was that...he looked really scared" Peter said but he said it weirdly

He's not as friendly as they say he is

"Okay well he apologized let's go and not talk about this" he said nervously

He's not as friendly as they say he is?

"He's not as friendly as they say he is" I said and Peter just looked at me

Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man

"Peter what did you do" I asked

"What are you talking about" he asked

"He's not as friendly as they say he is...Peter you're our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man...what. did. you. do" I said and a teacher walked up to us

"Parker and Jones...get to class" she said and we nodded

"You're coming to tryouts and we're gonna discuss this after" I said leaving and going to class


We're in the gym and the girls are warming up and then Alayna walked in and when she saw she ran and hugged me

"I'm sorry that I wasn't being a good best friend and just know that I do love and care about you" she said and I smiled

"I know you do" I said hugging her back

"Where's Ned" I asked

"Well his grandpa died so they're going to Arizona for a few weeks to mourn and attend his funeral" she said and I frowned

"Poor Ned" I said sadly and then Peter walked in a hugged me

"Wassup" he said

"Hi" I said and then I blew my whistle and me and Alayna stood up and walked to the middle of the court

"I hope you girls had a great weekend and I hope you rested well because this week is gonna be exhausting" Alayna said

"And we're not trying to be hard on you guys but you all want to be state champions and go to the nationals this year so were preparing you for success" I said and a girl raised her hand

"Wassup" I asked

"How are you so sure that we're gonna be champions and go to nationals" she asked

"What's your name" I asked

"Hannah" she said

"Well for one Hannah I come from a long line of champions both state and nationals, and two because in order to be the best you have to believe you're the best...in order to become champions we have to believe we're champions...so I believe that the team could make it" I said and she nodded

"Okay believe in myself...got it" she said

"Anymore questions or statements before we start" I asked and no one raised their hand and I smiled

"Good now let's go straight to drills" I said throwing the ball straight to Hannah


"They actually did pretty good today" I said to Alayna and she smiled

"I know...we may be the state champions this year" she said

"Yeah we're gonna make history this year...I refuse to lose as Captain" I said

I blew my whistle and they went to the base line

"Good job girls today was great I'll see you guys tomorrow" I said and they went to get their stuff

"Soooo you and Peter are cool again" Alayna asked

"Yeah we are" I said

"Now will you tell me what actually happened" she asked

"Well he thought that me and Josh had something going and he said that me and him should just be friends so I took it as rejection" I said

"You could've just told me...I would've kicked Peter's ass" she said and I laughed then I looked at Peter

He was on his phone and he was just so cute

"Hey loser! Let's go" I said and he looked up and smiled at me

"You don't know how happy I am to hear you call me that" he said and we left

Life is ruff 🐶

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