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Peter went home after my mom came home he said that he didn't want me to be by myself while I was sick

It's now morning time and today was supposed to be a good day but I'm sick so it's gonna be a really tiring day

I got up and put on something random and some shoes and I grabbed my duffel bag that I packed last night

I went downstairs and my mom was in the kitchen

"How you feeling you know today is the big day" she said

"I'm still sick but I can't miss today" I said

"I'll tell them that you're very sick because I don't think this will make you feel any better" she said

"Mom I'm fine I got this I got my water my tissues and my Vick's Vapor Rub so I should be good for like a couple of hours" I said

"Okay then let's get you to school" she said and she dropped me off at school

I went into the cafeteria and I sat down beside Alayna then put my duffel bag on the table and Liz and Ned were across from us but Peter wasn't here

"Liz what are you even doing here" Alayna asked

"Well I'm on semester break and I thought that it was a good idea for me to come help the school" she said

"The fact that you came back to this hell hole amazes me" Alayna said and then Peter came and sat beside me

"Hi guys" he said and everyone waved

"So what are the duffel bags for" he asked referring to me and Alayna's duffel bags

"Me and CJ have basketball tryouts today" she said

"You play basketball" he asked me

"Yeah" I said nodding

"But you're sick" he said

"I already got that figured out don't worry about it" I said

"See me and CJ are trying out for Captain and Co Captain this year" she said

"Wait why didn't you guys get Captain and Co Captain last year I mean I can't believe I'm saying this but you two are really good at basketball" Liz said

"I was good in defense and but not so good in offence while Alayna was good in offence but not so good in defense but this year we got it" I said

"And I honestly hope that CJ gets Captain and I get Co Captain because she doesn't like the term second place and I feel like our practices would be hell" Alayna said and I laughed

"Trust me...you would rather be in hell than at practice" I said and they laughed

"Come on Cameron let's go to class" Peter said and I got up and we went to class

"You taking naps today" he asked

"Nah...I got to do my work" I said

"So I've been thinking" he said

"About what" I asked

"Us and I know that we talked about this yesterday but like I said I've always wanted you but if you're not ready for a relationship right now...we don't have to be in one but I still wanna take you out" he said

"Okay...where" I asked

"Would you like to go to homecoming with me?" He asked

"Peter I" he cut me off before I could say anything else

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