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I got up and Peter was still asleep so I grabbed my stuff and went to go shower

I was the shower for about a hour and I finally got out got dressed and I went back into Peter's room and he was up

"You do realize that school starts at 8:30 and it's only 6:00" he said and I nodded

"Why did you get up at 5:00" he asked

"Well Mr.Parker I take unnecessarily long showers so I wake up early" I said and he laughed

"Well I'm gonna go shower and you look very nice Ms.Jones" he said and I laughed

"Why thank you but if you use formalities on me again I'll have your head loser" I said and he laughed


Me and Peter walked into the cafeteria hand in hand, it's really cheesy but he wanted to do it so I did it

We got stares but especially from Josh and Alayna

"So you two are dating and you didn't bother to tell us" Alayna said and I laughed

"We just started dating last night and now we just told you" I said and she smiled

"I'm so happy for you two, it's like everything is going good for once" Alayna said

"Cameron Jones" someone said from behind me and I automatically knew who it was and I sighed and put my head down

"Oh no" I said and then I sat up and he sat next to me and I just looked at him

"You're sure are a sight for sore eyes" I said and he smiled

"Yeah it's been a while" he said

"What are you doing here Trent" I asked calmly

"Well I'm back for good...and I wanted to surprise you my love" he said

"Yeah I'm not your love... I'm not even your girlfriend" I said

"Well technically we never broke up" he said

"Trent I'm breaking up with you...sorry it's not you it's me you know I don't like guys who randomly leaves with no type of communication for 2 years" I said

"It's hard to get over me" he said and I pouted

"Yeah you're right I'll never recover I'll never find someone to get married to and have kids with" I said and then I turned to Peter

"Hey loser let's date" I said to him and he smiled

"Yeah of course" he said

"Duh duh duh duh, you may now kiss the bride" I said and we kissed and I smiled

"You guys are looking at Mr. and Mrs. Peter Parker" I said

"Awh I love you Mrs. Parker" he said

"I love you more Mr. Parker...oh and by the way you're watching the kids tonight because me Alayna and Josh are going to a karaoke bar" I said and he nodded while Alayna and Josh laughed then I looked at Trent

"Me getting over you was the longest 2 seconds of my life" I said to Trent

"Look I'm sorry about leaving you Cameron I just need to explain why I did it" he said and I smiled

"I've waited 2 years for an explanation and a part of me still wants to know why you left but I kind of don't want or need an explanation from you" I said and he frowned

"Why?" He asked

"Because I'm happy being Mrs. Peter Parker and I'm happy that I have 3 children to leave with Peter and Alayna has 2 to leave with Ned while me, Alayna, and Josh go out singing because we all know that Josh isn't having kids" I explained and they all laughed

"You're serious about being with Peter Parker?" He asked and I nodded

"Yeah I am" I said

"Why?" He asked

"Because I love him, I love Alayna, I love Josh and I love Ned...they are my family they're here for me when I need them, they didn't leave when times got hard because if they did me and Peter wouldn't even be together because you fucked me up so bad that it was hard for me to trust him, it was hard for me to love him, I once loved you...Trent you were honestly the only guy that wasn't my brother or my father that mattered to me but you left like my brother did and after you left my father left some time later but I don't blame my brother for chasing his dream and I don't blame my father for being murdered in cold blood but I blame you for leaving" I said

"Your dad died? I'm sorry and I know that you hate me but I'm really sorry and I've changed...don't you believe that" he said

"Yeah I believe that you've changed because the Trent that I knew wouldn't have apologized and somehow would've turned it all on me...I believe everyone changes, Peter isn't as nerdy and awkward as he use to be, Ned didn't have feelings, Josh isn't just a jock with a pretty face anymore because he got really really smart and everything about Alayna changed except that she's still in love with my brother and you made me tougher than I used to be, when I was with you I was weak and vulnerable but now I'm not and if Peter ever tries to do me like you did I will stick my foot so far up his ass you'll be able to see it every time he yawns" I said and he laughed

"You wanna know don't you?" He asked and sighed and nodded slowly and a few tears fell

"Why did you leave me Trent" I asked and he sighed

"You deserved better, I didn't deserve you and that decision was apart of me changing we wouldn't have lasted but you were so happy so I wanted you to hate me so you would get over me" he said

"I don't hate you I never really did, I was just disappointed but thank you for looking out for me" I said

"Well since I'm here until college...can we be friends" he asked

"Sure" I said and I walked out of the cafeteria and then Peter called my name and I turned around and he was behind me

"Are you okay" he asked with concerning eyes

"I'm fine I just need to be by myself and think" I said

"But you're crying" he said and I smiled and grabbed his face

"Peter I'm fine" I said and he hugged me tightly

"You're one of the strongest women I know, and I love you but please don't shut me out" he said and I laughed and hugged him

"I'm not shutting you out sweetheart, this is just something that I need to deal with on my own" I said and he let go and smiled at me

"I'll always be here" he said and I smiled

"I know you are, but I'm fine" I said and I kissed him and then I walked away

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