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I woke up for school covered in tissues...I kept getting up all night because my nose was running and I wished it would stop and guess what...it did and now my nose is stuffed

I'm coughing really bad and I'm so tired...but I don't get sick so why am I sick

I got up and just threw on an outfit and put on some socks and slides and I grabbed a scrunchie and sloppily put my hair in a ponytail

I'm glad I flat ironed my hair last night when it got wet from the rain

When I went downstairs my mom just looked at me

"Are you okay" she asked

"No mom I'm sick" I said

"Oh wow you sound sick" she said

I went into the living room and I grabbed a power puff girls blanket off the couch and I grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator

"You sure you wanna go to school" she asked

"Yeah" I said and then I sneezed and I groaned and went to the closet and grabbed a box of tissues

"I'm ready to go" I said and she laughed and grabbed her keys

When I got to school I went to the cafeteria and I sat beside Alayna

Ned and Peter was across from us and Liz was sitting beside Peter

"Oh my god you look horrible" Alayna said

"Gee thanks" I said sarcastically

"What's wrong" Peter asked

"I'm sick...I haven't been sick since the third grade" I said

"Well if you didn't record that video of you being Usher in the rain you wouldn't have been sick" Alayna said and I laughed

"You gotta admit I fucked that shit up" I said then I sneezed

"Aww you have an adorable little sneeze" Peter said

"Shut the fuck up loser" I said and he laughed


She's so adorable when she's sick

"Maybe you're sick because you walked home from my house in the rain even though I told you that May could give you a ride" I said

"Wait...why were you at his house" Alayna asked

"His aunt called me and told me to talk to him because he was being a Debby downer and she wanted me to cheer him up" she said

"Wait why didn't May call me...she knew I was in town I thought me and her were cool...I mean every time you were sad she'd call me" Liz said

"Oh well she noticed that me and CJ got closer so that's why" I said

"Oh okay well tell aunt May that I miss her and I'll come see her" she said and I nodded and I looked at CJ and her head was down and she was wrapped in a power puff girls blanket and she had her arms wrapped around a tissue box

She was adorable and I wanted to take her home and take care of her until she feels better

"Cameron" I said

"Mhm" she asked

"Are you okay" I asked and she sat up and she looked tired

"I'm just tired and you woke me up" she said

"I'm sorry" I said

"It's fine we got to go to class anyways" she said and I nodded

"Come on loser walk me to class" she said and I got up and we went to class

We went to our table and she sat down and laid her head down in front me and I wrapped left arm around her and I used my other hand to do the work


She was asleep the whole school day even during lunch and her mom said that she has to walk home after school so I decided to walk with her

"How do you sleep this much" I asked

"The more sleep...the less misery" she said and I laughed

"So you really made a video of you dancing in the rain" I asked and she laughed

"It was like a music video so most of the video I wasn't in the rain but in a few scenes I was" she explained

"That's really cool" I said

"I know but let's talk about you" she said

"What about me" I asked

"So you're Spider-Man right?" she asked

"Yeah" I answered

"So what's the Stark internship really about" she asked

"Well I'm not supposed to say but I trust you so...Mr.Stark is actually Iron Man and that trip I told you about the famous people were actually superheroes oh and I took Captain America's shield so I'm kinda awesome" I said and she laughed

"You're such a character Peter...did you know that?" she asked and I smiled

"You may have mentioned it before" I said and she laughed

It was a long walk to her house but when we got there she went upstairs to her room and I'm gonna make her some tea


Yeah I actually did hear Liz in the cafeteria like girl come on we don't care you're in college and you're worried about a junior like girl come on move on already

The reason why I don't like Liz is because she's fake as fuck and she said some fucked up things about my father so I will forever dislike her

Peter came up and handed me a cup

"Careful it's hot" he said and I smiled

"Aww you made me tea" I said

I absolutely hate tea that's why I don't like to get sick because my mom always makes me drink tea

I drunk like a little bit and sat it on my night stand

"Come loser" I said patting the spot next to me and came laid beside me and I rested my head on his shoulder

"Cameron?" he asked

"Yeah" I said

"When you said that you wanted to be more than friends with me...did you mean it?" He asked

"Yeah I did" I said

"Then why are we just friends why can't we be in a relationship" he asked

"Because I'm still not over what happened yesterday...I like you Peter I really do you're sweet, cute, smart, funny and you have a killer body but you don't know if you want to be with me or if you want to be with Liz...you need time" I explained and he sighed

"But I do want you Cameron you're what I always wanted" he said and I smiled and cupped his face

"You thought that I was what you always wanted but when Liz came all your feelings for her resurfaced and I'm not mad at you Peter it's okay but when you're fully over her then we can talk about a relationship" I said and I kissed his cheek

The music video is beside the outfit

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