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I woke up and got dressed in one of my out outfits and I'm sad because when I go out people won't notice the difference in my outfits

When I finished getting dressed I grabbed my book bag that matched my outfit

You see I have a LOT of book bags because whenever I go out I need my wallet my charger headphones mascara lip gloss etc so whenever I buy a outfit and I see a book bag that matches it I buy it but when it comes to school I only have one plain black book bag but now that I have to wear my out outfits it's multiple book bags

I went downstairs and my mom was waiting for me

"See you look cute" she said and I groaned

"Mom do I have to" I groaned

"Yes now get in the car" she said and I rolled my eyes and walked out the door and got in the car and she drove me to school

When she dropped me off I walked in the building and I walked to my locker and someone gasped and said

"Biitch you're wearing one of your out outfits" it was Alayna and I sighed

"Don't remind me...my mom made me wear them" I groaned

"Come on let's go to the cafeteria and sit with Ned and Peter" she said

"But that's not where we sit" I said

"We could make it where we sit" she said and I huffed

"Fine" I said putting one of my headphones in and we walked in the cafeteria

"Why are we even here...we're never in here during breakfast" I said

"Because of Ned and Peter"she said and we sat down in front of them and I put my head down


They sat at our table but CJ put her head down

"What's wrong with her" I asked

"Don't mind her, she's just upset because her mom made her wear her out outfit" she said

"What's an out outfit" Ned asked and Alayna sighed

"You guys don't know anything...an out outfit is a super cute outfit that you only wear when your going out somewhere so like if you dress bummy in school but then you go out somewhere people will be like she's totally fucking cute but if you wear them everyday everyone will know how you cute you are already" she explained

"But CJ always looks good" I accidentally said and Ned looked at me

"It's not about me looking good Peter it's about what I'm labeled as...I was always the popular chick and people automatically assume that I'm a bitch and that I only like hot popular guys" she said frustratedly

"People don't assume that" I said and she looked at me and gave me a death stare

"When you came to my house yesterday you thought that I invited you over to do my homework and you kept thinking that me wanting to be friends with you and Ned was a set up so yeah people actually do assume that and me looking like this just confirms it more so yeah I'm a bitch but guess what I don't care it was old when Liz said it and it's old when other people say it" she said getting up and leaving the cafeteria

"I-I didn't mean to upset her" I said

"She hasn't had her caffeine this morning and don't worry about it she's always sensitive about that stuff she'll be fine before first period" Alayna said

"I think I should go talk to her" I said

"It's your funeral" she said and I frowned

"What do you mean" I asked

"She's my best friend and I didn't go after her that's because I actually like living...NEVER mess with her when she's mad" she said

"So I'll just talk to her in first period then" I said

"Smart...so Peter who do you like I could seriously hook you up with her" Alayna said

"Oh I don't like anyone at the moment but when I do I'll be sure I'll tell you" I said

"I already know that you like Cameron but whatever" she said and I sighed

Like 5 minutes later we just got to first period and CJ's already here so I sat beside her and I hugged her

"Peter what are you doing" she asked

"I didn't mean to upset you" I said

"It's cool but for real you need to let me go I hate hugs" she said and I let her go

"So tomorrow's Saturday what are you doing" I asked

"Nothing special" she said

"Well would you maybe wanna go to Coney Island with me" I asked

"Yeah sure" she said

"Okay so um I'll text you tonight and we'll talk about it" I said and I nodded

"Okay loser" she said and I laughed then Flash walked up to us

"Damn CJ you looking as fine as ever today" he said and she sighed

"I'm really not in the mood today so fuck off Flash before I kick your ass" she said and he walked away

"You okay" I asked

"Yeah I am...I'm just tired and I wanna go home" she said and I nodded

"Well if your mom is at work why won't you just go" I said

"Because I can't miss any work for school...I'm an all A and 1 B student...my mom is already on my ass about that one B so ima just stay here" she explained

"Well if you ever need anything you can always ask me" I said

"Thank you loser" she said and started doing her work

Welcome To The Losers Club Asshole...I'm gonna makes Peter say that ohhh the cringe 😌

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