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So Peter's gone and Alayna is here because we're having a sleepover

"So are you gonna tell Peter about Josh" she asked

"What about Josh" I asked

"That you two you know...dated" she said and I laughed

"No I'm not" I said

"Why" she asked

"Because Peter doesn't know Josh and I don't want him to freak out" I said and she laughed

"You know he still likes you right" Alayna asked

"Yeah...which is also why I'm not telling Peter" I said

"Well he still has Liz hanging around for a while and them two clearly have something going on" she said

"Yeah you're right...and plus me and Peter aren't even dating" I said

"Exactly" she said

"But I really like Peter and I'm not gonna mess that up because of Josh Richards" I said and she sighed

"But you still think he's fine right" she asked

"So fucking fine" I said and she laughed

"His eyes" she said

"Are so fucking beautiful" I said

"You two were lowkey a power couple...same colored eyes same hobbies and now both captains of the basketball teams" she said

"Yeah...I had fun dating him in 6th grade...and secretly throughout most of sophomore year" I said

"I'm surprised no one suspected it because Josh is a fucking flirt and then he literally stopped talking to girls because of you" she said and I laughed

"Yeah...remember when Trent absolutely hated him" I said and she laughed

"Well I'd hate him too because one, you dated Josh first he was your very first boyfriend and kiss...two, Josh looks wayyy better than Trent always has and always will" Alayna said

"Speaking of the devil...he just posted" I said and we went to Josh's post

he just posted" I said and we went to Josh's post

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"I would so have his kids" I said

"I'd fuck the shit out of him...every day" Alayna said and I bust out laughing

"You're so fucking disgusting" I said and she laughed

"You said that you'd have his kids" she said

"Yeah but I didn't say that I'd fuck the shit out of him" I said laughing

"Well how the hell do you think babies are made Cameron Jones" she said and I laughed

"You have a point" I said

"I always do" I said and I got a text and it was from Josh

Joshy😗💕: Tell Alayna that we're fighting tomorrow

"Alayna...Josh said that you two are fighting tomorrow" I said

"Well tell his punk ass that I ain't worried" she said

Me: Okay 😂 she said she ain't worried

Joshy😗💕: I'll rock bottom her

"He said he'll rock bottom you" I said

"Don't get German suplexed Josh Richards" she said and I laughed

"Oh that's a good one" I said laughing

Me: she said don't get German suplexed

Joshy😗💕: she's mean :(

"He said your mean...with a frowny face" I said and she laughed

"Get over it" she said

Me: She laughed and said get over it

Joshy😗💕: Tell her that's why Cam was always my favorite

"He said that's why I was always his favorite" I said

"Tell him to tell me something I don't know" she said

Me: She said tell her sum she don't know

Joshy😗💕: anyways we should have a sleepover

Me: me and Alayna are already having one

Joshy😗💕: without me 🥺

Me: your more than welcome to come

Joshy😗💕: nah I'd rather do manly stuff with people who actually care about me

Me: Hey! I do care...I invited you to Coney Island even though I know that Peter's gonna get jealous

Joshy😗💕: that was ballsy of you because I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me because you two have something going on and me and you dated last year...and in 6th grade

Me: yeah we did but He doesn't know that


Me: no...why would I?

Joshy 😗💕: because you two are like a thing now

Me: we are not a thing right now...we're just friends

Joshy😗💕: yeah right...

Me: shut up Josh

Joshy😗💕: you're mad 🤪

Me: ha ha ha...fuck you 😂

Joshy😗💕: you wish sweetheart

Me: I— goodnight Joshy 😗💕

Joshy😗💕: goodnight Cami 😗💕

"So when is your brother coming back" she asked

"In like November and he's staying until like January" I said and she smiled

"He's like the finest human being ever" she said and I laughed

"You literally always say that" I said

"Because it's true...I don't lie and you know it" she said and I laughed

I don't lie and you know it" she said and I laughed

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