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I woke up feeling great which means I'm not sick anymore and I'm so glad because me being sick is the worst

I walked downstairs in my outfit and my mom smiled at me

"You look great" she said and I smiled

"Well for the first time in my life I feel great" I said

"What got you so happy" she asked

"Well Peter asked me to homecoming yesterday" I said excitedly and she squealed

"What did you say" she asked excitedly

"I said that I would love to go to homecoming him and I accidentally said that me and him were dating and he didn't freak out which means he's not scared of commitment" I said

"That's great but honey aren't you scared of commitment" she asked

"Terrified" I said

"Is it because of Trent" she asked

"Mom he left me wondering if anything we ever had was real...maybe that night meant nothing to him" I said

"It doesn't matter babe I know that you deeply regret it but you can't undo what happened...stop being scared because Peter really likes you and you really like him you're really happy babe...don't let Trent ruin this for you" she said and I nodded

"Yeah you're right...but you seriously told him about the unicorns" I said

"What...he needs to know" she said and I laughed

"Come on mom I don't wanna be late" I said and she grabbed her keys and dropped me off at school

When we got to school I went into the cafeteria and sat beside Peter

"Guys I'm so excited" I said happily

"Why...did Liz die or something" Alayna asked

"Not yet...but you know that the rally is today" I said

"What's so exciting about the rally" Peter asked

"They announce the Captains of the basketball teams" I said

"Really?" He asked and I nodded

"Yeah how'd you not know" I asked him

"Well...me and Ned would always skip the rallies because we never had a purpose to actually go" he said

"Well would you guys come to support your two favorite girls" I asked

"Well of course" Peter said and I smiled

"But wait...CJ you never get this excited over the pep rallies so what's up" Alayna asked

"Should we tell them?" I asked Peter and he nodded

"Tell us what? Are you guys dating" Ned asked

"Not yet" Peter said

"Then what" Ned asked

"Peter asked me to homecoming yesterday and I said yes" I said and Alayna squealed

"That's so cute but I couldn't convince you to go...what does Peter have that I don't...I thought you were MY best friend" Alayna said and I laughed

"You are my best friend and nobody could ever replace you" I said to her and she smiled

"You better treat my best friend right before I cut your dick off" she said to Peter and I laughed

"I'm not...she's all I ever wanted" he said and hugged me and I hugged him back

"You hugged him back? You really are changing" Alayna said and we laughed


We're at the rally...it's starts before first period so we're sitting in the bleachers and me and Peter are talking

"So what colors are you wearing to homecoming" he asked

"Um I don't know yet but you should wear black, blue or red" I said and he laughed

"Okay I will" he said and I smiled

"So I found out what I'm going to be for the party next week" I said and he smiled

"Who?" He asked

"I'm gonna be a famous singer" I said

"Well can you sing?" He asked

"Nope" I said

"Well this should be interesting" he said and I laughed

The principal came out and the pep rally started

"Hey guys...we are here to find out the captain and co captains for our boys and girls basketball teams" she said and everyone started clapping

"Okay so the coaches wrote a letter that states... we appreciate everyone who signed up and tried out for the positions but unfortunately we have to choose 2 but we chose these two to lead your team because we feel that they are what's best for you guys...they will have you guys looking great out there on that court, so for the boys team your Captain is Josh Richards and your Co Captain is Sam Hurley the principal couldn't finish because everybody went crazy

Josh and Sam are juniors and last year even though they weren't the captains they always showed out and was the best on the team but I honestly can beat them in basketball

"Settle down guys we're about to tell you who your girl captains are" the principle said and everyone got quiet

"Okay...Coach Tam said these two girls are the life of the team they're energetic...they improved a lot over the time and showed me that they could be potentially be the ones to lead the girls to the state championships and get our team that victory" the principle said

"Yeah there's no way she's talking about us...Stephanie and Joseline are gonna be the captains for the third year in a row" Alayna said and I nodded sadly

"Your Captain is Cameron Jones and your Co Captain is Alayna Johnson" she said and I froze and everyone was clapping and Peter hugged me

"You did it" he said and I smiled

"Could you four please come down and give us a few words on you feel" the principle said and we all got up and walked down

"I'm Josh Richards and this is your Co Captain Sam Hurley he doesn't speak much so I'm speaking for the both of us when we say that we are honored to be the captains for the boys basketball team...we thank both of our families and friends for motivating us to actually become basketball players and now that we're captains we're gonna go harder than before" he said and everyone clapped

"I don't wanna take up too much time because when CJ starts talking she won't stop" Alayna said and everyone laughed and I smiled

"I want to thank Cameron for believing in me a few years back when I didn't know how to play basketball she taught me to never give up on myself and my dream and I'm glad to be Captain right along side of her" she and everyone clapped and it was my turn

"Well guys I honestly thought I wasn't gonna get picked but I did and of course I'm happy it was so surprising...I was terribly sick when I tried out for Captain but Peter Parker helped me through it" I said and everyone awed and I laughed

"You guys may know my brother he actually led the boys to the championships and they won and our dad was soooo proud of him...my dad always pushed us during the basketball seasons and he did it because he knew that we could do it... I wanna lead the girls team to the state championships and I want us to win and make history at this school and I also want to make my dad proud of me and even though he passed away I know that he's watching over me and my family giving us blessings" I said and the gym went crazy even some people were crying

I was truly amazed that I got this spot and I'm not gonna let our team down

I'm extremely tired

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