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I was laying in my bed thinking about Peter...I've been thinking about him all day and it's 6 pm

I just don't know what to do...I wanna try us but if he's just gonna be mesmerized by Liz every time she pops up then I don't want to try us

My phone started to ring and it was Peter and I hesitated a bit but then I answered

Me: Hello

Peter😎🥰: hi this is Peter's aunt May is this Cameron Jones?

Me: yeah is everything all right

Peter😎🥰: not really...I heard about what happened between you two and I just wanna say I'm sorry about what happened

Me: no it's fine you don't have to apologize

Peter😎🥰: Peter isn't okay

Me: what's wrong with him

Peter😎🥰: he keeps saying that he really messed up and that everything is his fault I even think that I heard him crying so I told him that we could go to Delmar's as my treat but he turned it down...he's never say's no to Delmar's so can you come over and talk to him

Me: I don't know

Peter😎🥰: you don't have to forgive him...I actually don't want you to forgive him I just want you to tell him that everything will be okay

Me: okay I'm on my way

Peter😎🥰: okay thank you so much see you later

Me: see ya

I hung up and I put on some shorts and tank top and some slides and I left to go see Peter

When I got there I knocked on the door and I'm guessing his aunt opened it and smiled at me

"Hello Cameron I'm May" she said and I smiled

"Hi May...you can call me CJ"I said

"Well CJ you can go upstairs and wait for him in his room because he's in the shower" she said and I nodded and I went into his room

It's cute...I wonder what kind of hoodies he has so I went to his closet and saw a Spider-Man suit

Isn't he a little too old to have a Spider-Man costume...I mean last year he said he knows Spider-Man but damn

There was something on it and I didn't want to press it but I did and a spider web shot out and it stuck to the wall

"What the fuck" I said

"Oh no not again" someone said and it was Peter

His shirt was off and boy did he have a nice ass body

"Okay wow you have a nice ass body for a loser" I said looking at him and he blushed

"Wait wait wait wait...Cameron Valeska Dawn Jones you're getting of track" I said to myself and then took a deep breath

"What the fuck was that" I asked

"It was my Halloween costume" he said

"Peter I'm not fucking stupid what the fuck was that" I asked

"It's my spider suit" he said

"And why do you have a spider suit" I asked

Please, please don't say it

"Because I'm Spider-Man" he mumbled

"You're who?" I asked

"I'm your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man" he said

"Okay um wow that's really really weird...I think I'm gonna go" I said

"No no...CJ you CANNOT tell anyone about this" he said

"Don't worry I'm not" I said

"Why were you even here" he asked

"Well your aunt called me and said that you weren't okay and she told me to talk to you so I'm gonna talk to you and then I'm walking back home" I said

"Let my aunt take you it just started pouring" he said

"I'll be fine...I made a music video in the rain the other day" I said and he laughed

"Look Peter I know that I said that I don't know what I want but I do I'm just scared because if we end up together I don't want to see you go all star truck whenever you see Liz" I said

"That was before I knew how you felt about me...me and Liz are only friends I want to be more than just friends with you" he said grabbing my hands

"And I want to be more than just friends with you" before I could finish he kissed me passionately and I kissed back for a second then I pulled away

"But I'm still upset about what happened...I don't know what the future holds for us but I just want you know that everything is gonna be all right okay loser" I said

"Yeah" he said and I hugged him

"I usually don't hug people but I feel like you needed one" I said

"Thank you Cameron Valeska Dawn Jones" he said and we both laughed

"Anytime loser" I said walking out of his room

I'm sick 😕

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