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It's like 7:00 and me and Alayna just got back from my the mall and I'm so tired

"I'm going home I could walk you halfway to Peter's house" she said

"We are not walking, I'll get Casey to drop us off" I said and she nodded

I grabbed an outfit some underwear, shoes and put them in a book bag and put it on my back and I went into Casey's room and he was laying on his old bed uncomfortably

"If you guys are gonna want me to be visiting, y'all really should start you know making sure my room is up to date" he said

"Casey give us a ride" I said

"Can you ask" he said

"Can you please give us a ride" I asked

"Where?" He asked

"Alayna is going home and I'm spending the night at Peter's" I said

"Alone?" He asked

"No his aunt is gonna be there" I said and he sighed and grabbed his keys

"You need to get a car" he said

"Tell your mother that" I said


Casey just dropped me off and I just walked into Peter's room and Ned was still there

"Ned I want my boyfriend back" I said and they both looked at me and Peter smiled and walked over to me and kissed me

"I missed you" he said

"I missed you too" I said and then I looked at Ned

"Leave" I said to him

"I don't wanna walk home" he said

"I'll tell my brother to take you home" I said and he nodded

Me: Casey!!!

Bubba❤️: I'm driving...what

Me: come back

Bubba❤️: why?

Me: Ned needs a ride home

Bubba❤️: okay I'm omw

I put my phone down

"Okay he's coming back, now go wait for him outside" I said and he laughed got up and left and I kissed Peter

"I really, reaaaalyyy missed you" I said and he laughed

"Me too, but I had fun with Ned" he said and I hugged him and he laughed

"What's gotten into to you" he asked laughing

"I just missed my boyfriend" I said and he sat down and pulled me into his lap

"And I missed my girlfriend" he said I kissed him and then I put my face in the crook of his neck

He smelled so good like lavender and fresh wood

"We have our actual very first date tomorrow" I said

"Yeah, I'm ready for it" he said and I smiled

"So since you wanted me to be here so badly, what are we doing tonight" I asked

"Well..." he started off and then he slowly slid his hand in my pants and I laughed

"Peter stop being a perVERT" I said

You see the whole VERT part was me reacting to him sliding two of his fingers inside of me

a/n I wrote this cringe shit when I was 15 I am now 17 and literally wtf 😟

"Peter what are you doing" I asked and he kissed me slowly and passionately

He pulled away and started sliding his fingers in and out

"Shh, just let this happen" he said and like I didn't want to, I really didn't want to but I moaned and I moaned LOUD and I quickly covered my mouth

"It's okay baby, May won't be here until Sunday" he said and he started going faster and I low key lost it

"P-Peter" I moaned softly and he kissed me and I was honestly falling in love all over again

So this continued then I came, and then he literally put his fingers in his mouth while we were making eye contact and I think I'm pregnant because wow that was the sexiest shit ever

a/n I apologize I'm so sorry and I'm especially sorry that I'm too lazy to change it 💀

Wow, I'm really fan girling over Peter Parker

I got up and I went into his closet, and grabbed some of his clothes

"I'm gonna go shower" I said and he stood up

"Me too" he said

"Peter I swear to god, if you come in the shower with me I'm kicking you in your balls" I said and he laughed

"It's fine because one day, I'm gonna rock your world and every time we're together you're gonna want more and more" he said and I laughed

"That was cute, but I seriously doubt that" I said going into his bathroom


I just got out of the shower and Peter is just in his boxers and I smiled

"Peter I can see it from here" I said and he looked down grabbed a pillow and covered it

"I'm sorry" he said

"You say you want to have sex with me but you can't even let me see it on purpose" I said

"Well you won't let me see you, at all" he said and I sighed

I took off the shirt and the sweatpants and I was just standing there in my underwear and no bra

"Well as you can see, I'm not wearing a bra" I said and then I slid my underwear down

"And now I'm not wearing anything, I honestly don't care if you see me naked, I just don't walk around naked" I said and I grabbed his shirt

"Now I'm only wearing a shirt, that's it...Peter I've seen it already and I obviously liked what I saw so don't be ashamed or embarrassed, I have stretch marks, a lot of them at that and I didn't care and I mean it took me a while to accept them but I do" I explained

"And I love your little lightning strikes" he said

Okay wow that's the cutest thing you could ever say to a girl

I moved the pillow and sat directly on it

"I love you, and I'd still love you if your dick was small, which it's not its way above average but the point is, I love YOU for YOU not because of your size" I said and then I kissed him


We're in the cafeteria and I sighed and put my head down

"What's wrong?" Peter asked

"Nothing, I'm just ready to go home" I said and he nodded

I'm just so ready for the school day to end

I think I lost some parts to this story...there are hella drafts but like some don't make sense 😟

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