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When we got to my house I went in the kitchen

"What do you wanna eat" I asked

"Well what can you cook" he asked

"Almost Everything" I said

"Well how about we make some pizza rolls" he said

"Pizza rolls" I asked

"Yeah I love pizza rolls" he said

"Well you're lucky because my mom just bought pizza rolls like 2 days ago" I said and he laughed

"So where's your brother" he asked

"Um he's in California...he got a full basketball scholarship at UCLA" I said

"It sucks being the only kid in the house" he said

"Yeah it is...but now we have each other" I said grabbing the pizza rolls out of the freezer

"Yeah...I'm actually glad that we became friends it kind of made my life a little better" he said

"Awh it made mine a little better too I mean I haven't really talked to anyone about my family not even Alayna" I said

"Why not she's your best friend" he said

"Well she has both her parents and a house full of siblings she doesn't know how it really feels to be alone...when she's at home she has her family and when she's not at home she has me...when I'm at home I have my mom but she works all day" I said

"Well now whenever you come home you'll have me...if you're ever feeling lonely just call or text me" he said and I laughed

"You're really cute...loser" I said and he smiled

Woah...Peter Parker is really cute...wait what am I saying

"What are staring at?" He asked

"You" I said

Cameron stop talking

"Why" he asked

"Because you're really really cute Peter Parker" I said

Cameron Valeska Dawn Jones stop saying that

"Well you're really really beautiful Cameron Jones" he said coming closer to me

"Yeah but you are soooo cute" I said

And I'm gonna kill myself

"And you are soooo beautiful" he said grabbing onto my waist and he looked me in my eyes and just when our lips were about to touch the microwaved beeped and I got out of his grip quickly

"The pizza rolls" I said going to the microwave quickly

"That's crazy because I don't remember you putting them in the microwave" he said

"I don't even remember putting them in" I said

"Well I'm gonna go get the movie started" he said and went into the living room

I sighed and rested my head on the counter

What the fuck just happened..me and Peter Parker almost kissed I mean I've always told myself that I didn't like him...do I?.........Nah I don't

I picked my head up and put the pizza rolls on a plate and I walked into the living room and he was setting up blankets and pillows

"I have the piiizzaaa rooollls" I sang and he laughed and I sat them on the coffee table

"Come sit" he said and I sat beside him

"Sooo what do you wanna watch" he asked

"Ummm...To All The Boys I Loved Before" I said and he groaned

"Whyyy" he asked whining

"Because you asked me what I wanted to watch and I've never watched it before...I heard it was really good" I said

"Okay let's watch it then" he said and I smiled


The movie ended and I was literally in love and was about to cry

"I love how Peter Kavinsky stood up for Lara Jean when they claimed that he fucked her in a hot tub" I said and he laughed

"It was alright" he said

"Puh-lease you almost cried boy" I said

"Aye don't say that...you're gonna ruin my street cred" he said

"You're a loser Peter Parker...your street credit is already ruined" I said and he laughed and his phone ringed

"Ohhh shit Mr Stark needs me" he said

"Well go" I said

"Are you sure" he asked

"Yeah yeah go" I said and he laughed nervously

"Okay okay see you later" he said and then he kissed me

"Oh shit...shit shit shit I'm so sorry" he said and I laughed

"It's fine Peter just go" I said laughing and he left

Woah Peter Parker made a move...I gotta tell Alayna


Alayna💕: What?!



Me: well he got a call for his internship and he said was it okay if he left and I said yeah and he was "okay bye see you later" and then he kissed me

Alayna💕: what did you do?

Me: he realized what he did and apologized and I told him that it was fine just go

Alayna💕: you so like him 😏

Me: HE kissed ME not the other way around

Alayna💕: yeah but if a boy you didn't like kissed you, you would've broken their nose and Peter left in one piece soooo you totally like Peter Parker

Me: okay fine I like him a little bit...but don't tell anyone not even your little boyfriend Ned

Alayna💕: my lips are sealed but omg tomorrow me and you are going shopping and you're gonna look cute for your mans at school on Monday

Me: I always look cute hoe don't do me

Alayna💕: I know you're a bad bitch but see you tomorrow 😘

Me: bye 😂💚

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