chapter nine

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in front of me stood noel, dressed in a white button up shirt and black blazer. he also had jeans on, but he was very handsome.

"come in," he opened the door wider and closed it behind me.

"why are you so dressed up?" i asked, still trying to remove the quake in my voice. before answering, noel pulled me in for a hug. this one was different. it was tighter and way more affectionate.

"i'm so sorry you got stood up... so now, i'm taking you out on a date. full on, we'll do things couples do, we'll kiss, we'll be affectionate, everything!" i giggled at noel's proposition.

"for real, you'd be up for that?" i asked. he nodded and flashed me a smile. my hands went up to his cheeks as i ran my finger over the top of his lip.

"you shaved? when?" he chuckled and placed his hands on my waist.

"right after you called me, thought i should look appropriate. and you made the comment yesterday." he smirked. he reached over to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. i felt my heart flutter.

"this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me." his fingers came to my cheek as he pulled me in for a kiss. our lips collided as his hands trailed down to my waist and pulled me closer. my arms flew around the back of his neck as we both melted into a passionate, deep kiss. i was first to latch off, which caught noel off guard. his eyebrows furrowed, but that shook away immediately. his smile grew quickly.

"i cannot believe how good you look right now." blushing at the compliment, i looked in his hazel eyes as i felt his hands run along my curves. in this moment right now i felt special. noel always treated me right. god was i ever lucky to have him in my life.

third person pov

noel grabbed onto faelecia's hand, leading them out of the apartment complex and into the parking lot. he checked his watch to catch the time as ten to seven. he knew exactly where he was gonna take them. walking towards the car, noel opened faelecia's door for her.

"thank you!" she smiled, causing noel a sensation of butterflies. he could never get enough of that smile. fae slipped into the car as noel jogged on over to his side. once both in the car, noel turned the radio down and took another glance at her. admiring her, he lost focus of what he was doing.

"so, where are you taking me?" her voice as sweet as honey spoke. noel's smile grew again once more.

"it's a surprise!" he exclaimed. she threw her head back and giggled.

"but i wanna know what it is now!" she faked whined. noel couldn't help but laugh along. he found her absolutely perfect. how can i win her heart with this date? he asked himself, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. they made small talk all the way to noel's destination, which was only a few miles away. taking note of her surroundings, faelecia gasped.

"no way! you're bringing us here?!" her excitement was a clear sign that noel had made the right choice. he parked the car and they both walked out. noel grabbed a hold of her waist as they started walking up to their old childhood spot. it was a little hill near their old high school. sometimes they'd sneak off during spares or even during classes to get a break and discuss ongoing drama.

"i can't believe you brought us up here!" she gasped as she started laughing. noel had surprised her many times, but this one was out of the park. all the memories came flooding back to them as they sat atop the hill.

"what was it that you used to call this place again?" he asked her, watching as a smile tugged at her lips.

"la colline," she answered, tilting her head and looking into noel's beautiful hazel eyes.

my best friend's friend // cody ko - noel millerWhere stories live. Discover now