Chapter 7

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"Mother, do you ever get bored of staying in the house all day? Looking after me?"

"Why would I?"

"I don't know. It just seems pretty boring. Doing the same things everyday. Waking up, cooking, cleaning and taking care of me."

"It's not boring, Heidi. It's better than going into war, like your father does."

"But I don't want to do what you do, mother..."

"Then let's just hope that time changes everything before you're an adult."

"Do you think I could fight in the war someday? Join the army and make you and father proud?"

"You're so young, Heidi. There might not even be another war when you're an adult."

"One day, I'll be a soldier. Just like father. I can't wait to grow up."


"Daniels, get to the field phone and call in Perez!" Turner ordered as Daniels sprinted over to the field phone with Aiello and Pierson covering him. We were outnumbered and in need of tanks to help us clear Hotel Allendorf; the last German stronghold in the city.

Daniels moved up with Aiello and Pierson. "Perez must be on his way." Turner muttered, "Let's go!" He darted into the hotel and the rest of us followed behind, firing at Nazis along the way.

"We need to clear the apartments! On me!" Turner moved up and began shooting at the enemies. We all joined in and slowly managed to clear out one apartment at a time. I raised my sub machine gun at the heads of the Germans and fired rapidly, killing a few in one of the apartments. "Just a few more to go!" Turner called out to us and kicked one of the doors open. Before the Germans could shoot a single bullet, we shot them all dead almost instantly. We moved to the next apartment door, Zussman kicked it down. I threw a smoke grenade in and began firing my gun. Turner moved to the final apartment with some other soldiers whilst we finished this room. As the smoke began to clear up, I could see a few more Germans, who were about to fire at us. Stiles quickly shot them and sighed.

"All clear!" Turner shouted as we ran over to him. We reunited with Daniels, Aiello and Pierson. "We need to clear the basement." Turner told us and we began moving down the stairs slowly. The basement seemed clear of any enemies, but something was quite off. We heard a noise from behind the boxes. "Sounds like a kid." Turner muttered, "Daniels, you still got that chocolate bar?" Turner questioned in a whisper to which Daniels nodded and grabbed it from his pocket. He held it out in front of him, waiting for a few seconds. "Bet y'all are hungry. Go on. Take it."

A little girl then appeared from behind some boxes and ran to take the chocolate bar. "Anna!" An older girl shouted and ran behind her, clutching a gun in her hands. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Pierson raised his voice slightly. I jumped back slightly, showing that we weren't going to harm them. Turner put his hand up and spoke calmly, "It's alright. It's alright. We're not gonna hurt you." He assured them and the older girl lowered her gun. "No food. My sister. Please help us." She begged but Pierson seemed reluctant. "No, no. Kraut reinforcements will be here any minute. We don't have time to be baby sittin' civilians."
Pierson stated. Turner glared at him out of the corner of his eye, "There's only two of them."

"Sir. You need to see this." Zussman approached a curtain, pulling it to one size to reveal more civilians. They seemed frightened at our presence, completely oblivious to what was happening. "Ahh, just perfect." Pierson grumbled and sat on a wooden crate. "Shit..." Turner mumbled.
"There's a German truck out there. We could use it to safely evacuate these people." I suggested and Turner nodded his head at me, wanting them to be safe. The older sister begins to panic, unaware of everything. Pierson looks at her, annoyed and confused. "I don't speak German." He muttered, glaring at her slightly.
"I speak a little German..." Zussman walked back over to her and attempted to calm her down. He spoke to her in German, assuring her that everything was going to be alright and that we will get them out of here safely. The girl seemed to calm down, grabbing her younger sister's hand.

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