Chapter 10

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"I want to be like you, dad. I want to be able to shoot a gun."

"Heidi, you're only sixteen. You can't learn this stuff."

"Please? I'll do anything! I'd love for you to teach me."

*sigh* "Fine. But you are not to tell mum."

"I won't! I'm so excited!"

"First, you need to stand behind the line, here."

It's been three days since my father passed away. And I can't stop having dreams of him. I guess these dreams are better than my same old nightmare from my previous lover, James.

Right now, we were in action. I had no time to think about this. I needed to focus.

"Move, move, move!" Turner screamed as German MGs fired at us non stop. We sprinted to the gate and hid behind the small fence as cover. I looked up and noticed that the MGs were out of my reach. They were on the roof of a huge building that was quite some distance away from us. "Sir, we're gonna have to move up again!" I shouted over the gunfire but Pierson yelled back at me instead. "You don't make the decisions, Green!" I gestured to the MGs in the far distance and glared at him. "Then I guess you should try and take them out for yourself! I can't reach!" I yelled back at Pierson with sarcasm and he scoffed.

"Everyone move up!" Turner shouted, obviously he had listened to me. I followed with Zussman and we both hid behind a truck. Aiello, Daniels and Stiles followed after shortly and hid behind another. I moved to the side of the truck and aimed my sniper rifle at the first MG. I tried my best to aim for his head. I squeezed the trigger and watched him fall.

I aimed my scope at the next MG and tried to steady my aim. As I pulled the trigger, I realised that I missed.

"I'm not good at this."

"This is your first lesson, Heidi. Aim for the same bottle. I know you can do it."

"Okay, dad."

Memories came flooding back to my head. I aimed my scope once again and aimed for the same guy. This time, the bullet hit him, killing him in an instant.

"I did it!"

"See? Practice makes perfect. Now turn a little to your left."

I moved over a little to my left and aimed at the next Nazi. He was rapidly firing his MG in almost every direction. I sucked in a deep breath and focused as best as I could.

"Take the shot, darling."

I pulled the trigger. A few seconds later, the MG had stopped. I smiled to myself and aimed at another. As he lifted his head, I shot him quickly.

"You're getting better! Steady now... Make sure you focus on your target."

I aimed at the final MG and waited for the enemy to lift his head. Once he did, my bullet pierced his skull. I lowered my sniper and reloaded.

"Come on!" Aiello grabbed my arm and pulled me with him to more cover. We hid behind the cover and waited for Turner's signal. Aiello tossed a grenade at the Nazis ahead and crouched with me.
"Keep your head down." He told me in a somewhat soft voice. I did and watched him look over the broken debris. "Turner's moving. Let's go." He said after a few minutes of waiting.

I followed behind and switched to my M1 Garand. I shot a few in the head and continued to move up. Turner stopped behind the sandbags and motioned for me to move over to him. I hid with him and Pierson as they both fired rapidly at the enemies. I looked over the sandbags and killed three enemies in front of us.

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