The Villainess Is Born

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     Nine months and my fourth birthday had passed by quickly, the mansion was bustling full of energy when everyone learned about Lady Ysabelle's pregnancy. I had been busy too. Mostly kissing up to Lady Ysabelle and being as cute and responsible as a four-year-old girl could be. I even gave her one of my embroidered handkerchiefs as a baby shower gift. It was during the winter season when I was stuck inside helping Isadora with sewing once again (I had gotten a lot better at it) when the news reached me from a couple of loudly talking maids.

     "I just heard that Lady Ysabelle had her baby! A Young Miss!"

     "A Young Miss? Oh, I'm so glad it was a little girl! I don't think I could stand a little boy running the halls."

    "Heh, I know what you mean. The Young Miss' name is Ophelia apparently."

     "What a lovely name! Lady Ysabelle has wonderful tastes."

     It was at this moment that I pricked myself with my sewing needle and let out a whimper. Isadora noticed instantly and took my hand to wrap up my finger. I had only done that because I was in shock. It seemed that Ophelia had come into existence a lot quicker than I first thought. As she was a newborn, there was no way I'd be able to get near Ophelia for about two months since newborns are fragile and all. I had done all I could for the time being. At this point, all I could do was hope that my efforts with Lady Ysabelle wouldn't go unnoticed. Isadora had finished wrapping up my finger and gave me a thimble to protect it. With that finished, I began to sew again.


      As the days went on, I started having more and more work to do with the other maids. I still did mending work with Isadora, but now I worked in the kitchens with Martha, helped with cleaning the mansion, and cleaned laundry. I was so busy that I didn't get to see my Mother much.

     Ugh, I miss being a baby. Why does a toddler have so much to do?! Give me a break!

     However, I couldn't complain. I was still doing a lot less work in comparison to the older maids and servants, not to mention they'd take any work that was going to be too grueling on my small body and anything dangerous. I wasn't allowed to cut vegetables in the kitchen, only clean them. My main cleaning job was making beds and dusting. Even with the laundry, I only prepared the soap and gathered clothes. Plus, I'm pretty sure this was just cementing my place in the household.

     To add onto my chores, every Sunday my mother would teach me how to use my magic effectively. I also recently began to think about learning to fight as many noble sons would learn to at age three. I wasn't a son nor noble, but being a personal maid could probably translate into being a bodyguard of sorts. I hadn't mentioned it to Mother but I didn't have to. She had already started asking me to do laps around the mansion to gain stamina. She always looked a bit reluctant to do it though.

     "That's five laps, Ava! Let's go for six!"

     "Yes, ma'am!"

     Mother sounded like a drill sergeant whenever she made me train, but that's probably kept going. If she had been gentle, I would've tried to act spoiled and get out of it. Every bone in my body was screaming for me to stop by the sixth lap, but then Mother said eight. Now I'm going for eight.

     Curse this giant mansion! Why the hell did they have to make it so big?! By the time I'm done, I'll have muscles as big as a general! You better be thankful later, Ophelia!

     As I trained more and more, I noticed that the running would get easier. My skin had gone from a pale milky color to a somewhat caramel tan, but that wasn't a big loss. I liked this tan color better anyway, it contrasted with my hair well. When running got easier, Mother still made me do laps but now I did push-ups too.

     I'll never catch a break! Darn you, Mother! I don't know if you're my favorite anymore!


     Days had turned to months, then a full year. I still had a couple of days until my fifth birthday, but Ophelia's first birthday was coming afterward and a big party was required. Instead of working on various chores, I was put on the team to help decorate for the party. For whatever reason.

     What's wrong with you people? A normal four-year-old would never know how to decorate. Be glad I'm a reincarnated four-year-old.

      For once, my birthday was overshadowed but I didn't feel mad about it. I got a small cake and knitting needles from Isadora, a flute from May, and a day off of training from Mother. I didn't care for the flute much but I accepted it anyway. Learning to play music could be useful in the future anyway.

     I used that day off decorating for Ophelia's birthday though. It brought tears to my eyes but I worked through it anyways. I wasn't able to attend the party. Of course, I wasn't though. The banquet hall was filled with important officials, nobility, and potential suitors in the future for Ophelia. Speaking of the birthday girl, I got a glimpse of her tiny self. Adorable. Tufts of soft black hair rested on her head and confused yellow eyes. You'd never believe such an adorable baby would eventually become a seductive beauty. She even seemed to look at me for a second as her mother walked to the banquet hall, carrying her carefully in her arms. I was seriously gushing.

     Oh god, she's so cute! I wanna pinch those cheeks! Look at that soft baby hair! Her eyes are so round too! Aaaaaa!

     I spent the birthday night practicing my flute in the servant's quarters. My only job was decorating and I wasn't on the cleanup crew, so all I had to do was sleep. Mother was a waitress during the party, May was putting the finishing touches on the cake, and Isadora was the only one in the room with me. She was mending uniforms. From time to time, she would say something about my playing.

     "You're out of tune."

     "Not holding it right."

     "That note just sounded bad."

     I almost forgot that Isadora's blank face went with her blunt way of talking.

     What do you expect?! I'm a five-year-old without a teacher! Why don't you try playing the flute?! Hypocrite!

    It only encouraged me to keep trying to play. Eventually, I had taught myself how to play Hot Cross Buns. I don't care if it's the easiest song in the world, it was progress for someone without a teacher! The only instrument I'd ever played in my past life was the recorder, which is basically an annoying flute. The flute was just held sideways. Isadora even clapped for me, but I think it might've been sarcastic.

      I went to sleep satisfied with what I'd accomplished. The sleep wasn't as satisfying though, as I had a nightmare about the recorder.

[ Villainess Reform Project now officially has an update schedule! I'll be trying to post new chapters on Tuesday and Saturday! Thanks for continuing to follow the story. I appreciate all the support. ]

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