Katakuri x Reader

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Hey, would you guys be interested in a Songfic x Reader book or possibly a Boyfriend Scenarios book?

If you guys wouldn't mind voting and commenting, that'd be awesome to get feedback and encouragement to keep writing! This request is for x_hatchet_x! Thanks, and I hope you enjoy! Next up is boy Killer!

Honestly, I had no clue how to make a plot given all the circumstances and such, but hey, I tried. Anyway, hope you enjoy!


Rescuing Sanji was never going to be simple, but it got really bad really quick. Any sort of plan with Luffy would've never worked, of course, but with a brief outline to cause commotion, get Sanji, and get out, you figured everyone could at least do that. At the very beginning, you'd been caught by one of the Charlotte family, and you were immediately sent into the castle as a prisoner.

After being knocked out for several hours, you finally woke up. You had to figure out a way to get out of the castle, but with it being swarmed with homies and guards, it seemed nearly impossible.

Even more so when you realised you were taken in as a hostage.

One of the sweet commanders, Smoothie, was originally put in charge of watching you, but you'd at least been able to escape her. You weren't bound by sea prism stone, so getting out from the normal rope was a cinch with your devil fruit powers. Using your awakened powers from the sugar sugar devil fruit, you simply turned the rope to sugar and booked it.

Any doors that stood in your way collapsed into a sweet pile of the grainy stuff. Summoning mountains of it, you rode on part of a compact part of it letting it carry you safely away from the giant woman's grasp. Leaving a false trail of sugar forwards, you jumped off and slipped into the nearest room.

You sighed, relieved, though a little frustrated. You had no clue what to do or where to go, and knowing your brother, he'd probably changed plans once you were captured.

"What a pain this turned out to be," you muttered, against the door before turning, looking for a window.

Hearing a voice, you decided to investigate. You slipped into the room over, finding someone you could only presume to be one of the Charlotte family. Lying on his back, he sang some song about loving doughnuts as he ate giant ones, even for him.

You tried to place your finger as to who he was, but your brain didn't provide. You slowly tried to make it back out, in case he was really dangerous, watching him sing and eat, and you chortled.

His attention snapped towards you, and he stood in a blink of an eye. Adjusting his scarf, he glared at you with eyes that could kill, approaching you as he readied to fight.

"Twin of Strawhat Luffy, (Y/N) the Terrorizer" he growled.

"Ouch, not true... I don't terrorize anyone. My devil fruit is literally sugar, how do the Marines think of that?"

He ignored you and continued. "You're supposed to be a hostage but those who would dare make fun of me."

"Hold up, I'm not making fun of you," you said, stopping. "I mean, amusing song, but if you wanna sing while ya eat, I'm not judging. I think Luffy does that sometimes... You're much more of a clean eater than him, though."

He cocked an eyebrow and paused.

"What...? Don't I look like a pelican eel?"

You shrugged. "Kinda, but pelican eels are adorable. Have you seen them? Their mouths are huge and they just gulp and they always look so happy," you said, trailing off before shaking your head and returning to the topic. "Either way, why should I care? I've seen my fair share of different people on this island alone."

He blinked.

"Oh, how about this. Instead of me having to beat you up, how about you let me in on those giant doughnuts to compensate for almost attacking me and misjudging me?" you said, practically drooling at the delicious looking sweet.

He glanced at the doughnuts and back at you a few times before sighing. "Fine." He sat back on the couch, and you sprinted up to the table. You climbed up quickly and took a seat on the edge of the giant bowl and took a doughnut.

Sharing your brother's enormous appetite but not rubber capabilities, you had to break off pieces to eat. Nonetheless, you devoured part of one in just a minute.

"So what's up with the whole being made fun of thing about?"

Taking a few bites of his doughnut first, he sighed. "I was made fun of a lot as a kid."

"Hence the scarf?"

"Hence the scarf."

"That's stupid, wasn't this place supposed to be like some utopia for people to live together despite their appearances?"


You hummed. "That's stupid. Hey, shouldn't you be trying to capture me or something? You know who I am."

He paused. "Probably, but aren't you supposed to be fighting me?"

"Dunno, probably. But you seem cool, and you gave me a doughnut, so why would I do that?"

"And you accepted me and didn't make fun of me, so why would I want to capture you? You should go, by the way."

"Now?" you said, mouth ful. of doughnut.


"Fine," you grumbled, setting the doughnut down. "See ya later, I hope you don't get in trouble cause of this!"

You hopped down and made a barely noticeable hole in the window before climbing down the outside of the castle. Inside, you heard some commotion and the familiar sound of Smoothie's voice.

"Katakuri, brother, apologies for interrupting on your Merienda, but did you happen to see a small girl pass?"

"No. Get out."

"Sorry, brother."

You paled, remembering from a bounty poster who he was. You let a small huff of relief out, thanking your natural self for saving you and preventing your memory from working in the right moment.

And silently thanking the guy for not revealing you were there, sticking to his word. Though, that just means you owe him. He let you go twice, and technically, he only owed you one, if any at all.

You'd just have to see him again to repay the debt, you supposed.


I'm sorry this is late, my WiFi isn't very stable as of now. It's been off and on, so things may be late. Thanks for being understanding and waiting! I've kinda adjusted things so it's easier on my part while I'm on 'vacation' (in a cabin, and why the WiFi is so screwy) and I'll post everything else when I get back, and probably more than expected to make up for it. Sorry again! 

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