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Before I start imma just say that Gabriel is Hawky in this story. Mama Agreste never left but instead it was Gabriel that left becauase he had the moth miraculous.

Anyway enjoy!

Marinette's POV
"Tikki this is badddd! My class won a trip to the beach house. FOR THREE WHOLE WEEKS! THREE WHOLE WEEKS TIKKI! UGGGHHHHH!"
"Marinette I dont see how this is so bad."
"The scars Tikki. The scars. We are going to a beach house which means we will go to the beach and I'll have to wear a swimsuit and everyone will see my scars and bruises from being Ladybug!!!!!"

Adrien POV

"Plagg this is baddd! My class won a trip to the beach house. For three whole weeks. FOR THREE WHOLE WEEKS PLAGG! UUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!"

"I really don't see how this is so bad kid. Now about that camembert..."

Plagg was cut off. "The scars Plagg. The scars. We will go to the beach alot which means i'll have to wear swim shorts which will expose all my scars and bruises from being Chat Noir! Everyone will ask and my identity will be exposed''


Magical time skip to school the next day

''So class we will be leaving in two days on Thursday. So I suggest that you take this 48-hour opportunity to pack and say goodbye to family and friends that are not attending this trip. Blah blah blah..''

''Marinette you look uneasy. Gurl what's up?'' Alya asks in curiosity and worry that her friend might not come to the trip and her marvellous 'Adrinette' Plan will be a total plonker.

''Don't worry Alya, I'm fine.'' I tried to smile and it looked like this: :|

''If you say so" Alya sighs when the teacher dismisses us.

*The day the class leaves for the beach house*

Marinette's POV

"Clothes. Check. Beauty products. Check. Shoes. Check. Books. Check. Phone. Check. Charger. Check. Tikki. Check. *giggle* Swimsuit. *gulp* Check. Tikki I'm ready to go!"

''Ok let's go Marinette!"

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