Chloe's Realisation

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Chloe's POV

I want to change. You heard me, I want to change. I'm sick of making people feel like shit and causing akuma's wherever I go. I'm sick of people looking at me like I just killed the queen and I'm sick of all the fights. I guess all these years my jealously has gotten the best of me. Everyone at school have two parents, that actually love them for who they are. My father only 'loves' me because he has to look good for the public and my mother left me when I was 5. That was 14 years ago. I can still remember that day like it was yesterday.

Flashback to 14 years ago

"Aundre come here please."

"Yes love?" I was in my room playing with mommy's makeup and I decided to listen in. That was a mistake. I heard my mother say,

"Aundre, I'm leaving you. You promised me a large sum of money if I married you and I'm yet to receive that. Chloe is just so annoying and you treat her like she's more important than me. I never loved you and I never will, so tomorrow I'm leaving and I'm taking the money anyway."


"Mummy why don't you love me?" I was holding Mr.Cuddly in my arms and felt like crying.

"Your a spoilt little brat and you wet the bed too much." I began to cry.

"Mummy! You can't just leave me and daddy here alone!"

"Watch me". She just walked out. I never saw her again.

End of flashback

My mother was wrong. I am not a spoilt little brat and I am not annoying. Tomorrow willbe a fresh start. You just wait and see.

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