Where am I?

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Marinette POV

Where am I? I woke up with cords attached to me and an oxygen mask on my face. There was a clock beside me, it read 6th May, 2020. 2020?! What even happened? I begin to freak out, causing the machiene beside me to go crazy. Then I heard footsteps. But they weren't your average everyday walk in the park footsteps. They were your I had to wake up at 3am and go to work for 16 hours footsteps. I turn to the door and see a man, with short blonde hair and beautiful green eyes. He saw my eyes open, and dropped the flowers he was holding. "Marinette? Marinette your awake!" He runs to me and I feel uncomfortable. He looks familiar but I don't know him. "Who's Marinette?"

"You!" he says.

"No, I'm not Marinette I'm... I don't know. Do I know you?"

His smile drops. "I'm your boyfriend, Adrien Agreste."


He begins to cry. "Do you remember anything at all?"

"The last thing I remember is this boy punching a wall yelling something. He looked a lot like you. Exept he had black hair with blue tips."



"Luka did this to you."

"No! Luka is so sweet! We hung out last Tuesday".

So far, this Adrien boy's expressions have gone from happy, to sad, to confused, to determined.

"I'll be back". Before I can say anything the boy has walked out of the room and I'm left alone.


No one's POV

"Excuse me, ma'am,the patient in room 10 has awoken!" Adrien told the front desk. A phone call was made and out came Nino in a doctors coat. "Nino what's with the lab coat?"

"Adrien! Long time no see! How have you been!"


"Nevermind. To answer your question I got a degree in medical science and health. I work here now. Anyway, you said who woke up?"


Nino gasps. "As in Marinette Dupain-Cheng?!"

"Yes. Also I think I know who did this to her."

"Dude, it was the roof."

"It was Luka."

"I'm sorry? Who?"

"Luka Couffaine"

Adrien told Nino about how she described Luka punching the wall as the last thing she remembered. He was about to tell him about the 'we hang out last Tuesday thing' but he needed something first. Alya visited Marinette every Tuesday so Adrien called her.

~on the phone~

Hey Aya

Oh hey Adrien. What's up?

Marinette's awake


Before you do I need to ask you something.


Last Tuesday when you visited Mari, was there anything strange about her?

Well sort of yes. She kept on mumbling something about getting a coffee and blue hair.

Oh my god


Luka Coffaine. He made Marinette loose her memory.


Adrien explained everything and hung up. Alya got there within 5 minutes after the call.

"Where is she?" Alya rudly asked. "Room 10" Adrien replied. The three rushed to Mari's room to find up writing something down.

"Hey Marinette" Alya spoke with tears in her eyes. "Alya!" she replied. Alya embraced her in a hug and soon after Mari realised Adrien was in the room and felt scared. "Alya this weird man keeps saying I'm his girlfriend and I'm scared" Marinette hides behind Alya.

"Mari Adrien is your boyfriend!"

"No I'm dating Luka"

Adrien looks hurt. But soon after a look of hatred grows on his face. "I swear I'm going to knock those beady little eyes off Luka that he will even be petrified of his own hair" Adrien mumbles. Adrien just walks out of the room. He had somewhere to be. And someone to punch.

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