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No one's POV

"Excuse me Maritrash what are you doing with MY Adrikins?"

"Kissing him?"

"I command you to stay away from him!"

"No thanks"

"Hmph!" Chloe storms off.

"Ok first of all YFJEHBUFEIDFRHBEDWDIFHB YOU KISSED ADRIEN FHEHRYFUDEHRGTHFDEJRH YOUR LADYBUG AND CHAT NOIR DDHENRJFGIDHENJRFKIHEBNJRFGIU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and second of all you stood up to Chloe yay!" Nino screeches.

Adrinette just smile at Nino while hugging. "Adrien how did you put up with Chloe for so long?" Marinette questions her boyfriend.

"I honestly don't know" Adrien chuckles.

The gang spend about four more hours at the beach before heading back to the house. When back at the house Adrientte decide to watcha movie together. "What movie?"


"No I get scared so easily!" Marinette shivered.

"Well then I'll cuddle you"

"Ok! :)"

Adrien POV

We decided to watch a movie called 'Hagrid's Life' [for you @Adriannabuzeska] which was basically a horror movie about how this girl loves bad boys and then Avocado comes along [its an inside joke you won't get it]. I got us some snacks and Mari fetched a comfy blanket big enough to fit us even when it's in half. "Ready?" I said with a grin.

"I guess" Mari managed to stammer between shivers.

Marinette nuzzles her nose into my chest as I throw the blanket over us. About 15 mins into the movie she gets scared and hugs me tighter. She's so cute. Ok that came off creepy [Avocado got competition]. Then comes this really scary scene and Marinette yelps and hides her face for dear life. "TURN IT OFF YOU STUPID CAT!" she shouts. I frantically turn it off. "It's off!" She slowly lifts her head and looks at me. "Don't worry Avocado's not real he's just an actor"

"You sure?" she adorably states. "Yes!" I assure her. I kiss her for like 5 seconds until Chloe storms in.

"MARIBRAT GET AWAY FROM ADRIKINS!" she yells. Marinette was to freaked out by the movie that she even got scared of Chloe. She whimpered and hid herself behind me. "Chloe we just watched a horror movie! Your scaring her! And also can you please at least knock next time you decide to rudely barge in and invade our privacy?"

"C-chloe -p-please leave us a-alone" Marinette says as her bottom lip quivers.

"Chloe your scaring Ladybug! Your idol! And I'm Chat Noir. You don't know what I'm capable of" he glares at her.


"I'm not your Adrikins and I never was! LEAVE!"

"Ugh! Why waste my precious valuable time on some peasants anyway. I have better things to do"

"Like cause an akuma?"

"Ugh" Chloe flicks her hair in Marinette's face and storms out.

"You ok bugaboo?"

She just sits behind me, unable to speak. "I'll take you to Alya" I say.

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