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No one POV

Adrinette reach school and go in the gate holding hands and everyone immediately stops talking and looks at the girl in a wheelchair.

"H-hello eve-ryone..."



"there is a 0.000001% chance I will not greet you."


The two are being bombarded with hugs and greetings when a girl with green eyes and long brown hair walks up to them. "OMG! That's the girl that broke my arm in preschool!"

"Excuse me but I don't know you" Marinette said with a pissed-off tone.

"She's lying! I have psychic abilities and I can tell!"

"Wow so uncool Marinette"

"Why lie?"

"Ugh I thought you were nice"

"How could you do such a thing?"

All these insults made Adrien step up. "Hey hey hey hold up right there! I went to preschool with Marinette and I'll have you know that she would never to such a thing!"

With that statement everyone just scowls and walks off. Except for Alya and Nino. They also went to preschool with Adrinette. "That lying b*tch..." Marinette murmurs.

"Don't worry bugaboo, we'll get through this" Adrien reassures her as he bends down to kiss her.

*le magic time skip to after school*

"Hey Mari, I think I have a plan to 'defeat' Lie-la." Alya whispered that sent shivers down Marinette's bruised spine.

"Next time she lies about something, me and Nino will be filmimg her. When she says something to prove that what she said earlier was a lie, we'll show everyone the footage and they'll believe you."

"Better than nothing" Marinette shrugged.

Suddenly Lila came out of nowhere, push Mari off her chair and ran away with it. "Hey!" she managed to cough out from the pain in her legs. Alya ran after her and as Adrien came up to her, he saw the whole thing. "M'lady are you ok!" he gasped.

"Don't worry Adrien, I'm sunshine and rainbows! I just fell of a wheelchair with a broken leg! Of cause I'm not ok you stupid cat!"

Everyone knew their identities so Adrien just transformed,picked up Marinette bridal-style and ran after Lila. He soon caught up to her and snatched the wheelchair, gently placing Marinette in it. "Lila what was that!" Chat protested. "OMG!!! Is that Chat Noir!!! I'm your biggest fan! Please marry me!"

"Eh hehe sorry Lila you know I'm with Ladybug..."

"Oh who cares about her!"


"Oh really now?" she said with a flirtatious tone.


"Maybe this'll change your mind" she says as she swiftly leans in. Just in time Adrien ducks under her arm. There is now a relieved Marinette and a sad Alya. She didn't get any tea for her Ladyblog.

"Lila, I'M WITH LADYBUG! I'LL NEVER LOVE YOU!" he yells. From that him and Marinette walk/roll away from a heart-broken Lila and a group of fangirls/fanboys, fangirling at the tea.

~~~~With MariChat~~~~

"You could've been a bit nicer to her Chat." Marinette proclaimed.

"I know but she litterally yeeted you off your chair and ran away with it!"

"I know but she could be akumatized and I can't fight! And you can't purify akumas"

"I understand you bugaboo bu-" BANG!

"See? You stupid cat!"

"I think you've said that enough already."

MariChat head over to where the noise came from.

"Where's the akuma?"

"Oh no akuma, Nino just dropped my phone and I punched him" Alya said with a shrug.

"AAllllyyyaaa I told you not to punch people if they drop your phone"

"ughh but howw"

They ignore Alya and focus on Nino who was dramatically rolling on the floor, pretending to die.

"Oh how you wound me! Oh I might never see the light again! Oh tell my mother I love her!" he said in a king's voice.

"Legend" Marinette says while fist-bumping Nino. Adrien de-transforms and helps Nino up. "Thanks bro" he says.

Lila POV

How dare he? I never thought Chat Noir could be so, rude. I love him. Others might not agree, but I truly do. And I'm not letting Ladyb*tch take him away from me.

No one POV

What a perfect mix of jealousy and hatred. Perfect recipe for disaster. Fly away my little akuma, and evil-ise her! Muahahahahahahahaha!

Lila continues to sob until a little purple butterfly fades into her earrings. A purple butterfly forms over her eyes, allowing her to communicate with Hawkmoth.

"Commander, I am Hawkmoth. I believe we have several things in common, we both despise Ladybug. I'll grant you the power to tell everyone what to do, in return for Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous" he says.

"It's a deal, Hawkmoth".

Purple and black fog swallows her body, transforming her into commander. "I'll show them just how powerful I can be! Muahahahaha"

You Stupid Cat!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang