Sorry Sabrina

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No one's POV

Chloe knocks on Sabrina and Max's apartment door and Sabrina opens it. She looks Chloe up and down and gasps. "Chloe what have you done! Did Marinette force you to wear those ugly jeans?" Chloe looks as if she's about to cry. "I chose this outfit... is it really that bad?!" Chloe stutters. "Oh never mind Chloe you look fabulous! Like always!"

"Sabrina I'm here to apologise."

"Apologise?" Marinette just stands back to give the girls a little bit of privacy but she can still hear them.

"Yes. Sabrina Raincomprix, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for treating you like my little slave and for being so rude. disrespectful and just a b*tch. I can see now that how I have treated you was disgusting behaviour and I regret every second of cruelty. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I just wanted to tell you how I felt." Chloe sighs. Max comes up to the door, sees Chloe and thinks she is going to be rude to his girlfriend and stands in front of her.

"Chloe Bougerois, there is a 93.79% chance that you will insult my girlfriend and I will not let that happen." He glares at Chloe. "And what about that extra 6.21%?" Chloe grins and Max seems shocked.

"Your right...".

Chloe apologises to Max and then heads off to everybody else's room, each with a different apology. Soon they come back to Adrinette's room and Chloe pauses. No Chloe, you will not chicken out this time, I won't let you. "Can I talk to Adrien?"

"If he let's you, sure Chloe"

Chloe gives Marinette a determined smile and let's herself in, only to find Adrien has trashed the place, again. "Marinette you might wanna come in here" Chloe suggests with a concerned look. Mari walks in, gasps,apologises to Chloe because she has to leave and sits with Adrien. "Adrien what's wrong?" she questions with a soothing voice a mother would give to her heart-broken daughter.

"My father, he's alive."

"Adrien that's great! You can finally meet him!"

"And he's Hawkmoth".

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