Please Don't Leave Me...

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"The emergency services will be here in 5 minutes!" Alya yelled over all the wreckage and chaos. "Princess stay with me! I'm so sorry!" *crying* "Girl please wake up!" "Paris needs you!" *more crying* "The ambulance are here!" someone yelled. It was hard to tell from all the crying and screaming. "Everyone please remain calm and step away from the body!" The doctor ordered. Everyone did as told. The fire department somehow got the concrete slab off Marinette and in came the doctors. "No pulse! Get the revivers! [those little rectangle electric shock thingies i forgot what they are called]" "*buzz* Clear! *buzz* Clear! *buzz* We are loosing her! Who here are relatives?" "Me, I'm her boyfriend" "And me, I'm her best friend!" "Please step into the ambulant van, you coming to the hospital with us." Marinette is put onto a stretcher and carried onto the bed in the van. They drive off to the hospital. On the journey Alya is calling Marinette's relatives and Adrien is crying and is begging her to be alive. "Sir, we have run some tests" "And?!" "We aren't certain she will be ok, but we have discovered that she was indeed pregnant". This makes Adrien pass out. "We've lost another one!" the doctor yells. They arrive at the hospital and Adrinette are put into the same room. More nurses are doing doctorly things to Marinette and soon after Adrien wakes up. "WHERE'S MY GIRLFRIEND?!" "Sir-" "WHERE'S MARINETTE DUPAIN-CHENG?!" Adrien get's up and finds Mari on the bed next to him, doctors surrounding her. Alya was with the news crew telling them to stop filming. "Don't be bemused, it's just the news! I'm Nadja Chamack here at the Official Hospital of Paris- Hey!" Nadja was cut off by Adrien taking her microphone and smashing it. "STOP FILMIMG IMMEDIATELY!" he yelled. Gabriel saw this, immediately rushing to the hospital. Adrien was a mess, mentally and physically. His hair had a car crash, tears stained his cement-dust face, and all he could think about was f*uck you dad, i love you Marinette.






Marinette was assumed dead.

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