Hello Luka...

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Adrien POV

I knew where Luka lived from all the band rehearsals we had when we were younger. I approach his front door, fists clenched and ready to kill. He destroyed my princess, my lady, and he will pay. I ring the bell and sure enough, Luka answers. "Adrien! Long ti-" I just punch him. I am sick of his little innocent acts of sunshine and rainbows in lollipop land. His nose begins to bleed and his cheek is red. Serves him right. I punch his sorry ass once more. He doesn't seem to be affected by my hits and it's a little intimidating. "YOU DID THIS TO MARINETTE!"

He just smirks. "How did you figure me out?" he says with that annoying little grin of his. "Marinette gave me the clues. Now I don't know what kind of power you posses, but this power will be jailed along with your murder ass".

"Hey I didn't kill her!"

"But you made her think that your her boyfriend and not me! You replaced every memory of me with you!" I grit my teeth.

"And where's your proof?"

"Marinette said that the last thing she remembered was you punching a wall and yelling. That was in fact me. She said that you two hung out last Tuesday. That couldn't have been possible since she was in a coma so you must of somehow interfered with her brain. Of course you would do this because last time you came you were obsessed with her!"

No one's POV

"Geez no wonder she forgot about you. You seem crazy" Luka sarcastically said. He copped another punch from Adrien. "Stop this now!" he shouted. Luka put his hands up in defeat and put his hands up to his head. " Adrien just ran back to the hospital only to find Gabriel next to Marinette's bed. "Adrien!" she greeted.

"Hawkmoth what are you planning now?" Adrien glared at his evil father. "Adrien I'm not Hawkmoth".

"Yes you are! And this is your fault Marinette is like this!" Marinette was just sitting there, slowly remembering their conversation the day she was knocked out. Adrien notices Marinette's earrings missing.

"You took her earrings!"

"Why yes, Chat Noir, I have taken her miraculous and your ring will be mine!"

"I am your son! How do you think mother would feel? First you leave us, killing my sister, then you end up being Hawkmoth and want to kill me!"

"Emily was pregnant?"

"Yes! She would've been very disappointed in you, along with the rest of us. Why do you want a wish anyway? You have everything!"

"I don't have you"

Adrien just stares at his father in disgust.

"You don't need me! Just akumatize someone since you love being so evil!"



Adrien doesn't realise Marinette is crying.

"Adrien please listen to-"

Adrien knocks out his father cold. It's only then he realises Marinette was crying.

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