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No one's point of view.

Adrinette walked into their room after some time and decided who would get which bed. There were two beds, one bathroom, a kitchen and a small living room. When I say small I mean average. Compared to Adrien this was a place for a mouse [in a size way not looks]. Marinette took the right bed and Adrien took the left. They both dropped their bags onto the bed. Marinette began first by setting up her clothes in the closet and beauty products in the bathroom. The bathroom had two sinks and a big cupboard under each. Marinette had to take up some of Adrien's cupboard to fit all of her things. There was traffic so by the time they actually got there is was about 10:27pm. They stayed up and CHATted [hehe] for a bit when Marinette realised she had forgotten her pyjamas. "Shit I left my pyjamas."

"You can were one of my shirts if you like" Adrien suggested. Mari just stood there, too embarrassed to speak. she didn't dare look up. "Here". Adrien gave her the smallest shirt he had that was like a dress on Mari. "T-thanks, Ad-drien" she mumbled. She basically dived into the bathroom, got changed and headed off to bed, just after feeding Tikki. They were both heavy sleepers, so in n time they both drifted off to sleep.

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