Help My Sister!!! [Yukina Minato]

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(Author's Note: This is based on another roleplay I had with Annette-Dancer.)

Whatever you do, never even make my sister feel bad about herself!!! She tried to commit suicide two times because of her mistakes in life.

First Attempt:
Hayami Minato tried to help Koyuki Kimura with her love confession to her significant other. But her impersination of that person was not taken seriously and she feels disappointed with herself.

The other day, I saw her with her Suicide Knife and she cuts herself on her wrist.

Second Attempt:
We invited Koyuki and her sister, Miyako Kimura, to our place for talk of instruments. Then, Hayami and I were waiting for Miyako to get ready but my sister got impaitient from hearing an uneccesary conversation from the two. She yelled at them and they start crying.

Due to this, she critises herself and takes out her Suicide Knife and cuts her wrist two times. I was glad that Koyuki was able to save her in time.

So guys, please don't make Hayami feel negative about herself.
Likes: (I don't know how to put this.)

Lisa Imai: OMG! I never realise that she does things to herself too.

Sayo Hikawa: We can't let her die fast. She takes lead in Roselia too. This band is nothing without her.

Rinko Shirokane: Oh my. We really need to help her.

Chisato Shirasagi: Her life is more important than her mistakes that lead to her death. We have to support her at every step.

Kaoru Seta: I must not let her die from this, for she is my one and only love of my life for eternity.

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