Behind The Score [Hayami Minato]

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  I'm sure a lot of you might have noticed that there is some string music to back up most of Roselia's songs. This was theorised that it was done with a synthetic string orchestra by many, but today's the day I'll break it to those with this theory.

  Truth is, as a multi-instrumentalist, I composed the backup string orchestral by myself. If there is a solo violin part you might have noticed, like in Ringing Bloom, Legendary or BRAVE JEWEL, I'm was the solo violinist. Sometimes I become the solo violist and Yukina takes the violin, or even the other way around.

  Usually, I compose the score for the string orchestras that voluntarily wanted to help us with backing up our songs, so I want to give them the credit as a thanks for helping Roselia.

  Most of the time, I would be playing alongside the orchestra. But there are even other times that I would be asked to be the conductor as the orchestra's coaches said that I deserve to conduct since I made those pieces myself. But I felt a little as if that it's not necessary for me to be the conductor.

  I don't know if I can call myself the string composer of Roselia, because I also help my sister with guitar composition, drum composition, bass composition, keyboard composition, and the list goes on.
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Kasumi Toyama: WHAT?! I was wondering where that string orchestra came from.

Rui Yashio: That is something you may have in common with me. I'm the composer of Morfonica.

Misaki Okusawa: Same here. I make up the lyrics for Hello Happy from Kokoro's humming and drawings.

Chisato Shirasagi: Well, I never thought you were behind the string orchestra the whole time. That certainly is wonderous.

Kurata Mashiro: That's pretty amazing.

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