My Adopted Sisters [Hayami Minato]

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(Author's Note: This is based on an Instagram Roleplay I did with Annette-Dancer)

Hello everyone. This is Hayami Minato, Roselia's singer and instrumentalist again.

I'm aware that most of you don't notice a thing between Koyuki Kimura, Miyako Kimura, Yukina Minato and me. Well here's an interesting thing, the Kimura sisters are now our adopted sisters.

They were going through much abusive family past sufferings and Koyuki Kimura was calling me on the phone, telling me to meet and my sister to meet up with her and Miyako Kimura. We had our talk and were noted that they were having some verbal and physical abuse. Their father, who is arrested, physically abused them. Their mother vervally abused them, mostly on Koyuki Kimura when she is blamed for something she didn't do or some other stupid reasons.

But that is all gone now, my family has decided to take them in and they made themselves at home; our home is theirs too. With this arrangement, they can follow us to band rehearsals, Koyuki Kimura gets to learn the bass guitar from Lisa Imai and they won't have to suffer all that was behind again.

So Kimura sisters, welcome to the Minato family.
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Lisa Imai: Yep, Koyuki's really needing help with that bass.

Ako Udagawa: You and Yukina-san are real heroes.

Sayo Hikawa: Such a bold idea to take someone in after all the torment they used to be involved in. You both really are good people.

Yukina Minato: It was no problem. At least they are more comfortable at our household.

Chisato Shirasagi: That was really nice of you both. Aya is living with me since she had their problems too.

Aya Maruyama: Thank you for taking care of my sisters, Minato sisters!

Kaoru Seta: You were ever too brave for your good, but with gallant nobility to reach out your hand to the tortured. My princess is really a prince inside.

Hayami Minato: Oh stop that you, I'm quite flustered.

Koyuki Kimura: Thank you so much! We can't thank you enough.

Hayami Minato: It was no trouble. I am your sister now.

Yukina Minato: We'll be helping you through all that lies before us.

Sayo Hikawa: Minato-san?!

Lisa Imai: What!?

Ako Udagawa: Yukina-san!

Yukina Minato: Why does everyone overreact to whatever that comes out of my mouth?

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