_-~•°Please Read!°•~-_

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Heya guys. I just want to apologise in advance for any present or future chapters. You see, I've been trying to get these chapters uploaded and created as quickly as possible. I am fully aware that I this isn't an excuse for the lack of imagination, if I am lacking any.

I don't know, the recent chapters haven't felt right. I just hope you guys are enjoying them, and please feel free to tell me if you have any ideas for further chapters. I am always open for ideas!

Oh! And one last thing, I know this may be strange, possible bizarre, but I don't really want this book to be souly romance based. What I mean by that is I don't want the reader to live happily ever after with the love of their life. I want this to be more, I don't know, action based. I am sorry, I truly am horrid at explaining things.

I want this book to be how the main character developes, and how they will take on new challenges. I'm sorry if you are one to really enjoy romance and all that. But hey! That just means this book isn't for you. Anywho, I'm just going to write the next chapter, and do some crap like that. Thank you once again for reading! Chao~

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