they were lost

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Sirius frowned. "You want me to what now?"

Rolling his eyes, Remus whispered back. "You heard me. Talk to Regulus."

"But - !"

"Shush!" Remus yelled quietly, glancing over at the librarian - an elderly, bad-tempered woman called Madame Pince. She scowled at him, motioning for them to shut up.

"Fucking hell, Padfoot, you're gonna get us kicked out."

Sirius shrugged, leaning back in his chair. "It's not my fault the old bitch isn't as deaf as she should be."

Remus wrinkled his nose at him. Sirius stuck out his tongue in retaliation.

"Anyway," Remus continued, "you both need to talk."

"No we don't."

"Yes, you fucking do, bro."

A sigh. "Rem, he won't talk to me. He hates me." With good reason.

"But he might not. You need to try, Pads."

There was just silence. Sirius watched as Remus brushed his fingers over a book lying in front of him, eyes thoughtful. His jumper sleeves were a bit too long, leaving only his fingers poking through. Damn. How on earth was he so cute?

Wait, shut up, he is your STRAIGHT friend, Sirius yelled at his brain.


Sirius blinked. "What?"

Remus smiled, gently shaking Sirius' shoulder (and making the shorter boy feel oddly warm). He then stood up, indicating towards a corner of the library. "He's right there."

Sirius felt his pulse quicken. "Shit."

Grinning, Remus ruffled his hair and made his way to the entrance, closing the door softly behind him. Sirius watched him leave with wide eyes.

Asshole. A cute asshole, but an asshole.

Deep breaths. That was the most important thing. Deep, slow breaths.

It had been around six months since they had last properly spoken. Between then and now, all Sirius and Regulus had really exchanged were cold, sad glances and sighs so soft they were lost in the tumult of the crowd.

Sirius wanted to talk. He had tried to build up the courage to do so, but every time he thought he was going to say something, he just didn't. Couldn't.

I'm a bloody coward.

Just talk to him!

Sirius set his jaw. Fine, then. Fine.

He stood up, shuffling over to where Regulus was studying.

"Hey, Reg?"

Sirius was met with a startled blue gaze. "Sirius?"

"C-can I sit down? Please?"

A pause. "Okay, fine."

Pulling out a chair, Sirius sat opposite his brother. His brother, who was looking at him warily, but without any anger.

"What do you want?" Regulus was carefully calm.

"How... how have you been?" After months of anticipation, Sirius' mind was curiously at loss for conversation.

"I'm good. Better." Regulus raised his eyebrows slightly. "And you?"

"I-I'm... okay, yeah."


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