Mini-Episode One: Part Eight

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Doonah rang several times and no one answered. That struck her as odd. The whole selling point of these doorbells was to give people the illusion you were actually home when in fact you were not.

This meant one of several possibilities.

Perhaps the doorbell wasn't working, which seemed highly unlikely. From what little Doonah knew about Charre, that tech geek wouldn't let anything slide without getting it fixed ASAP.

It could be that Charre and Root both ran into trouble, which would mean Doonah would need to be even more concerned for herself and the rest of the complex.

Or, perhaps, Doonah was just being watched to see what she'd do next.

When she finally heard a unisex, synthesized voice speak, Doonah had her answer.


Mini-Episode Prequel to Doonah Cross SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now