Mini-Episode One: Part Eleven

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"How did you get that footage?" Doonah asked Charre.

"There's a secondary camera and microphone in the lobby that only activates when my ringer is pressed. Since residents have floor to floor access, I wanted double protection in case someone snuck past the lobby."

"Can I watch that again?" Doonah asked Charre. "I want to see if I recognize him."

"Not sure if it'll help. I couldn't place him."

Doonah and Charre watched the footage again.

"He asked for Kaylay. Any idea why he rang you instead?"

"If he had an address but not an apartment number, he might try everyone in the complex. That's my only thought."

"Hmm, so if he tried everyone and Kaylay wasn't home, whose apartment would be next?" Doonah asked aloud.

They both turned to one another in unison.


Mini-Episode Prequel to Doonah Cross SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now