Mini-Episode One: Part Nineteen

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"I fronted you a loan to make that demo reel, and it's come due. Where's the real so I can market you and get my money back."

"I told you, we broke up."

Again, Doonah and G.G. looked at one another, puzzled. They were just friends that jammed together. They certainly didn't perform gigs, much less have songs to make a demo reel.

"How you planning on paying me back then, boy? I saw your gig. You could have gone somewhere! Why did you throw it away? What have you been doing for the past year?"

"Huh," G.G. whispered to Doonah. "That's about when I met Root. Said he'd just had a big breakup. I thought he meant a lover. He meant his band!"

As Root's childhood friend, Doonah began to feel rather disturbed that she knew so little about Root.

Mini-Episode Prequel to Doonah Cross SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now