Mini-Episode One: Part Twelve

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"Unfortunately, we have no way to know if he made contact with Root," Charre told Doonah. "So we'll have to focus back on this Arnie Argood and try to piece together what brought him here."

Doonah watched Charre turn to one of her computer keyboards and hit the keys at a rapid-fire pace.

"I'm going to have my systems do a worldwide search of websites, public databases, and anything else that can be reached to get more details on this Arnie Argood. My stuff's pretty speedy, but it will still be a bit. Are you comfortable giving me your phone number to reach you at?"

Doonah volunteered it.

"How about you?" she asked Charre.

Doonah could see the amused smile on Charre's face.

"I never give out my information. You know where to find me. I'll be in touch."

Mini-Episode Prequel to Doonah Cross SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now