Mini-Episode One: Part Twenty-one

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Once Doonah and G.G. made it back to the apartment building, they decided to check in with Charre to see what else might have been learned, and to fill in what they knew.

"Sorry to hear about Root, but sadly it all seems to add up. I found a paper trail of Root's loan with the promoter, plus articles about Root's old band. They were real hot for a minute, then splitsville. The why, though, is a mystery. Even stranger though, the promoter and our landlady seem to be involved romantically. I can share surveillance."

"Ugh, no, please," protested G.G. "Not interested."

"Well, Root will get his for sure. As for me, I think I need to move out soon."

"Tayzha and I are getting our own place, and as much as I'd offer to share. We won't have room to live slone."

Doonah couldn't believe what she head next.

"Who said she'd be alone. I got to bail before the landlady finds out I broke her trust and spy on her. Not to mention I can cover rent while Doonah finds her life's direction."

"Right now I'm just regretting by curiosity, and will leave mysteries well alone in my future. Right now, I just want to live my life."

"We'll see about that," G.G. said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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