Story Time!

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hey hey hey!!! I'm new here but no stranger to Fanfiction. I love Ducktales and this will be my first attempt on it. So hope you all like it. And if you already know me, just letting you know, I may add a few musical numbers.

"Let's talk, musical numbers! How many isn't enough! ~ Dewey 2019. XD but no really, I'll focus more on adventure like 99% of the time but I may let my musical fangirl out a bit. You'll see when. Anyways, happy to be here and sharing what I have! So let's get on with the story shall we!?!?

"Webby?!?!" Lena pushed the bushes away from her sight and looked around ever so anxiously, "Violet!??! Louie!??! Someone?!?!"

The little girl swung her gaze from side to side, desperately looking for any sign of someone she knew. But her eyesight couldn't look far due to the thick fog that surrounded her. The dark night closed in on her, her heart was racing and her body was shaking. She had to get out of here and fast.

The haunting sounds of whispers filled the air around her and she couldn't block them out, no matter how long or hard she covered her ears. Lena dashed across the fog, looking for a way out of the dim forest. Tree's covered any sight of moon light and the wind pushed the voices to be even louder.

"Just leave me alone!!" Lena cried out. Her voice echoed across the dark forest but was consumed by the whispering voices. Frustrated, Lena continued to run across the muddy road, pushing anything that got in her way. Before she knew it, she ran into a small opening that led to a cave. She didn't care where it led at this point, just as long as she was safe from whatever was outside chasing her.

In what felt like a split second, she squeezed through the opening and ran into the inky darkness. She panted and pressed her back against the cave walls. Her hand clutched onto her shirt as if trying to keep her heart from falling apart from fear. There was nothing she could see in the cave, just darkness.

With a pounding heart, Lena continued to walk in the dark. She moved her hands around the cave, making sure she didn't run into anything. Soon, her left hand felt a loose rock on the wall. She lightly pushed it causing it to fall allowing a stray of dark green light shine onto her face. Curious, Lena peeked into the hole but wasn't able to see much. Just a large lake of water with green gems surrounding it.

The young girl pulled some stones away, making the hole bigger for her to go through. Once it looked big enough, she crawled through it and hopped out on the other side. The first thing she did was examine her surroundings. Nothing but green gems surrounded the cave from top to bottom. She was both amazed and cautions at the same time. The cave was stunning to look at but the feeling it gave her, it sent an eerie feeling. 

"Hello?!" She called out in hopes someone would answer, "Louie?! Webby?! Anyone!?"

Nothing but the sound of her echo bouncing across the cave was heard. Followed by a sudden low crackle echoing into her ears. Lena jumped at the sudden voice and closed her ears in fear 

"No! Not him! Not again!!!" Lena cried out as she stepped back in great fear. The low crackle turned into a chuckle and soon into a loud laughter. Lena squeezed her eye's shut and tried to block off any sound but it wasn't like it would help. When she felt like she couldn't take it anymore, she turned around and ran towards where she entered.

Unfortunately, she rammed into a solid wall instead. The hole was blocked off and replaced something ever so horrifying to her. Drawings and images of her friends and family being beat up or captured. She looked at the bottom drawings to see a female figure laying flat on the ground as if she was unconscious. Another female figure seemed to be falling from the sky and towards a pit of spikes. Another one was hanging off a cliff, desperately trying to hold on for dear life. Every drawing was some kind of torture and the higher she looked up at the wall the worse they would become.

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