Counting down

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I forgot to add what the boys are gonna look like in this book so here is Danny and Sam

I forgot to add what the boys are gonna look like in this book so here is Danny and Sam

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This is gonna be josh, don't @ me the undercut will live on

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This is gonna be josh, don't @ me the undercut will live on

This is gonna be josh, don't @ me the undercut will live on

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And of course jakey🥰🥰

Let's continue shall we


I didn't have no other choice but to go to school, yeah I felt like crap, and yeah I felt like digging a hole and just dying in it but I couldn't stay in my house. Those creeps were in there touching all over me. Those photos, that video. They were in my room, they had the chance to just do anything. After I pulled myself together I got dressed and met my brother downstairs. He was rushing around.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked grabbing his keys and walking to the front door.

"Yeah" is all I said quietly. I walked over to the closet by the door to grab my scarf, jacket, and beanie. I opened it up, the light from the window shinning into it. I noticed my old baseball bats weren't in there. I questioned it for a second and dismissed it. Cooper must of moved them to the garage, he has been complaining about them for a while. We both exited out the house and got in the truck. We were on our way.

"I got a message from them" Cooper said. I stayed silent.

"I'll have to go the shop tomorrow to drop off the money" he said not taking his eyes off the road.

"Do you even have the money" I asked him. All he did was nod and I didn't feel like pressing him about it. I sniffed a little bit. He turned for a second to look at me.

"Are you crying?" He asked sympathetically. I wiped the silent tears off my cheeks and nodded.

"I got a message too" I said recalling back to what I got to wake up to, "I'll just show you when we get to school" I said. He nodded and drove faster.


I rolled out of bed to the annoying squawking of my brother Josh. He always wakes me up even though I tell him I do in fact own an alarm clock. Unlike my siblings and friend, I am most definitely not a morning person. I stepped out of my cozy bedroom down the hall, walking slowly. Passing the many pictures and paintings that hang. I soon started to make it down the stair case of our large home. I passed the library and the living room and entered the kitchen. The lights blinding me. Unlike most rich kids we don't have maids or anything. Our parents believed we could be privileged and humble at the same time, or whatever that means. So like usual, breakfast was made by one of us. I walked past whoever and took a seat at the small round table in the kitchen.

"Can't you put on a robe or something, I don't want to see you or boxers first thing in the morning" my older sister, Ronnie, said. All I did was mumble something in return. I could feel her eye roll. I felt someone sit next to me, and then something placed by my hand. I wiped my eyes and saw Josie. She was in a rob and slippers. I saw some green tea in a mug next to my hand. She smiled sleepily.

"Thank you" is all I said quietly. She nodded, unlike the rest of my family she was actually nice to me. But then again she's nice to everyone. I sipped on my tea and looked out the window. The sun wasn't even out yet. I looked over towards the stove and saw Jake and Danny making breakfast. A couple of minutes later and plates were being passed out and we were eating. The peaceful silence only lasted a few seconds and then Ronnie started to speak.

"So where were you boys last night" she said.

"Taking care of things" Jake said back.

"Oh really, what kind of things?" She countered.

"Stuff, ok Ron?" Jake stated starting to get annoyed.

"Ok" she said and it was quiet for a moment, "so did you guys really go in her room" Jake dropped his silverware on the plate and I heard a small, 'Jesus Christ' from Josh. I kept eating, it's too early for this.

"Danny!" I heard Josie beside me scold. He looked over at her.

"Josie you know I have to, this is our job, we've been over this" Danny stated sternly at her. She huffed. Josie is definitely sensitive to what we do. If Danny has a big heart, she has the biggest. I slung a lazy arm over her shoulder and pulled her close.

"We didn't do anything, I promise" I said to her. She was basically like my little sister, and I know that all the stuff we do stresses her out. I let go and we continued eating.

"Way to go asśhole" I said quietly to Ronnie. She kicked me under the table.

"Her names Rose right?" Ronnie asked.

"Yeah, why do you care?" Josh looked at her.

"I've seen her, actually talked to her a couple of times" she said.

"I know her" Josie said. Everyone stopped eating and looked at her.

"You didn't tell her your name did you?" Jake asked kindly. He was only ever nice to her.

"I did, but not my last name. She was in the bathroom crying. Right before Danny and Sams lunch break" She said.

"Don't go near her alright? And if she tries to talk to you walk away" Josh told her. She nodded.

We soon were all done eating and started putting the plates in the sink. We headed up stairs and got ready. After an hour of bickering, throwing things, and rushing to get ready. We were all downstairs getting in the cars. Ronnie and Josie took one car to school, the boys and I took another. We had about 15 minutes left of the drive. I was looking at my phone and watching the tracker I put in Rose's phone.

"Is she there yet?" Josh asked me.

"Yeah, I think she might be with her brother. She's in the senior hall way" I said.

Danny parked the car and we stayed in it for a moment. We saw Ronnie's car and knew her and Josie must already be in the school. I looked at my two older brothers.

"You guys better watch yourselves" I said.

"Don't worry, we got this under control" Jake said. We all stepped out of the car and went our separate ways. The bell rung and Danny spotted Rose. We went over to her but she pushed passed us and ran down the hall. Danny gave me a questioning look. I shrugged my shoulders and we went to class.

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