Under and Over Again

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(EEEEE I'm kinda excited for this chapter. All I have is a simple idea and I'm gonna go wherever it leads me, so I hope y'all enjoy. Also not as long as I wanted it to be but sorta a writers block moment. I'm gonna keep giving y'all chapters though 🤟)


I couldn't for the literal life of me seem to stop moving. No matter how badly my chest burned and my throat ached for water, I can't stop running. The woods were dense, and running without any protection on your feet wasn't the easiest thing. Running with glass in your arm wasn't easy either, or a flimsy little nightgown. Hell, this situation wasn't easy. I felt tiny tear drops run down my face and my nose stung. I finally slowed down my steps but didn't let myself cry over this. I'm stronger than that.

I don't even know where I'm going. And as I look around and see the three same trees in different directions I couldn't help but let out an annoyed sigh. I continue walking in the same direction I was running in. Maybe if I go straight I'll end up at the edge of the woods, or even a road if I'm lucky. I don't know what day it is, or time. I just feel so clueless. I'm don't know if I'm gonna get make it of here.

Third person POV

Rose had walked for what seemed hours to her. Tripping over roots that had come up the ground, and tricky stones. She held her arm close against her chest in hopes to stop the pain coming from it. The upper part of her nightgown was now covered in blood, breaking a glass window with her arm wasn't her brightest moves but in that moment it had felt right.

She kept her gaze on the ground and her hearing sharp. She notice that the mossy, wet, dark land she had been stepping in was starting to change. It was getting more, dusty? Sandy? It was dry and more smaller roots started to show, and as Rose sped up her steps she started to get more anxious and excited all at the same time. She looked up and found her self on a dirt road with open fields around. She started running up the road to see if anything was close, but yet found nothing. She even stayed still hoping to hear people coming but nothing. Until that is.

She saw a small black thing moving towards her at miles of speed. Her heart skipped a beat. Rose started to jump, and wave, and scream. Trying to signal to whoever is in that car that she's there. That she's alive. It came to a slow stop yards from her. She huffed in relief and started to jog towards it. She didn't even notice the people in the car, the several people in the car. She stopped in her tracks as someone hopped out.

(Better peep that picture of jake up top 👀)

A hat covering their face, they started to stride towards her.

"You have to help me, these crazy people kidnapped me. They killed my brother and I'm trying to get to the police. Im hurt and they're gonna kill me too an-" Rose started when only a few feet stood between her and this stranger. She had to gasp some breath in order for her to continue, "please help me." she almost sobbed.

"Damn Rose, you make us sound like such monsters" the sickening voice cockily said back.

The hat lifted up and showed no other face than Jake. Rose would have traded her everything for it to not be him. Not that she had anything left to give. Her eyes grew big and air caught her in throat. He smiled, it almost killed her. He stepped forwards slowly and in correspondence she stepped back.

"No" she breathed out.

"Oh yes"

With that, she turned and tried to run but the few feet she seemed to get didn't matter much. A death grip held her in place against him. She screamed and pushed to get out but nothing would budge. She struggled and struggled in his arms. He continued to grip, and she continued to thrash around.

Danny hopped out of the truck fast to Jakes aid. Pulling Roses head in his hands. He took a small handkerchief from his back pocket and held it on, smothering her face in the chemicals to once again make her sleep.

"Shhh, it's gonna be ok Rose" he whispered to no one in particular.

She fell limp in Jakes arms. Jake juggled with her unconscious body until Danny picked her up.

They walked to the truck and Danny handed her off to Josh in the back. He held her, combing hair delicately out of her face.

The ride back was silent. The windows were down and wind passed through. The sun was setting slowly into the evening. The boys had spent their whole day looking for her.

They weren't any less mad at Rose now. They just wished she could understand somehow. But that takes time, and unfortunately, Rose didn't want that time with them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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