Gone with the wind

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(Alright I know I kinda neglected this book but I decided to put out a chapter, sorry it's short but the next one will be a lot longer. Stay tuned💞)


It was 9 in the morning and after eating breakfast I'd make my way up the stairs and towards a certain room with a certain someone in it. This was becoming part of my routine, almost like a habit. In the morning it was: wake up, brush your teeth, have breakfast, visit Rose. She hasn't woken up yet which started to concern me, and at one point I thought we lost her, but Ronnie assured me it was just her body resting itself which just made her sleep a lot. And now as I stand outside her door. A small part of me was excited. I just hope that soon I'll be able to open the door and she'll be there awake.

I sighed, ready to be meet with an unconscious body. I opened the door and my heart dropped, the bed was empty and the window was shattered. My body wasn't running as fast as my mind. I all but tripped down the stairs and stumbled into the kitchen.

"She's gone"

Third Person POV

Everyone was still in the kitchen cleaning up, beside Josie and Josh at the time. They were still all frozen, Josh blinked rapidly. Silently begging for someone, anyone, to just say something.

"What? Wait how? When-" Sam started to get up from his chair.

"I don't know, she's just gone" Josh breathes out. Jake shoved past him, his whole demeanor changing instantly at the news. He started marching his way to the stairs. Everyone else following behind.

"This is unbelievable, she couldn't have" The door was left wide open from Josh and there he saw the scene himself along with everyone.

"Ronnie, I thought you said she wouldn't be up for a while!" Jakes strong stern voice cut the air.

"Don't raise your voice at me" she hissed, "she could have been faking it for all I know, I'm a student nurse not a witch doctor" she continued to glare at her older brother.

"Maybe she's still in the house" Sam chimed in.

"And what staged all this? No way" Danny responded with a scuff. All boys were tense and aggravated at their own irresponsibility of not watching Rose a little more carefully.

"Jesus we don't even know how long she's been gone for" Jake sighed while pitching the space between his eyes.

As calmly as he could, Josh spoke, "everyone get dressed, we gotta find her. She couldn't have gotten far"

"Yeah, not in these woods" Danny added.

With that, the boys got dressed and Ronnie went to tell Josie about what happened. There was an intense silence coating the air around them. This time, they weren't playing around.

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