Sorrow for a sparrow

557 16 10

Third Person POV

Jake was almost taken aback by the information. Rose being only a few yards from his door could be interesting. He sat up in his bed with a groan. And raked his loose hair behind his ears. Everyone was quiet around him, giving him time to think. Telling him too many things at once could set him off, fast. Sam learned that from a lot of experience.

"Can I see her?" He asked, his eyes wondering over the sheets.

"Nah. Ronnie kicked us out even after offering her help" Sam said in an annoyed voice. He plopped on his back and stared at the ceiling.

"When can we see her then?" Jake said back quickly. A little too quickly.

"Probably in a few hours or whatever. Anyway, I'm bored" Sam rolled off the bed and sprung to his feet. He skipped towards the door and grabbed Danny's arm on the way, "let's go Danny" he said simply while making it out of the room.

"Wait why do I have to go" Danny whined while following. The twins could hear them bickering down the hall and soon their voices faded out.

It was quiet once again. Josh was having a hard time reading his brother. He stared at him. Jake still sat up picking at his nails and looking at his sheets.

"I get it, I like her too" Josh finally said. Jake looked at him.

"I don't like her" Jake said back after a second.

"Yes you do, we all do" Josh replied in an matter of fact tone.

"I didn't even want to take her in the first place, it was you" Jake said starting to get annoyed.

Josh smirked a little. He knew his brothers temper and loved testing it.

"We all have our reasons jakey" Josh replied through a grin. Jake let out a fuming breath.

"I could've killed her if I wanted to" Jake said while looking away.

"Oh jakey that's not nice" Josh said in a slight motherly voice, "if you want, I'll let you see her first" he continued in a hushed tone. He notice Jake almost relax at the comment. Josh smiled at his brother and patted his shoulder, "the other two will get jealous, but anything for you. Get some rest and I'll wake you up later" He finished. Jake slowly lied back down. He heard the door gently shut, he closed his eyes and tried to ignore the words of his brother. Calming down right before he slipped into slumber.

Time skip


The signature shake of someone particular pulled me out of sleep. As soon as my body was awake with my mind that constant stabbing feeling returned to my abdomen. I groaned before finally opening my eyes to get a face full of josh. He smiled a little and back away so I could sit up.

"What" I asked really just wanting to go back to sleep, when I'm asleep at least the pain can't get me.

"You wanna see rose don't you? Ron and Josie finished about an hour ago"

I felt this weird sensation in my chest at this. Like butterflies in my stomach. I felt wrong for wanting to see her. I mean hell, we kidnapped this girl and I'm getting excited over the fact her room is now close to mine. But nevertheless, I nodded my head. Josh helped me sit up and the stinging only got worse from there. I only had on some sweatpants but looked around for something to cover my upper half as well. Finally Josh just tossed me a hoodie from my desk chair. I held my side and we walked the few yards between each room. He opened the door without making a sound and we entered quietly. Her curtains were open and the little light coming from the sky was shining onto her. She was asleep on her back. My breath left my throat for a second, suddenly even breathing became loud. The covers only went about to her midsection. Her hair was spread all over the pillow. Very little breaths came out.

"Josh!" We both turned to the open door. Ronnie had called for him down stairs. He looked over at me and then Rose.

"I'll be back, make sure not to wake her up" he whispered. He turned on his heel and closed the door behind him. I was left alone with her.

I was almost intimidated by her presence. I took hesitant steps closer to the side of the bed. I examined her face and felt a punch of guilt. Both cheeks were painted with dark bruises and so was her eye. Her chin was also marked up and I as I got somehow closer, the scrapes and cuts were more defined on her arms. I took a deep inhale in and let go.

"You know" I started, "at first I thought I wouldn't be able to recognize you, but it's as if you haven't changed at all" I took a moment to sit beside her. "Seeing you that first time in that shop, a flower shop even, it's so you to have a flower shop, I should've seen that coming" I paused and draped her arm over my lap and started caressing her hand, "I've missed you. I've missed you and you don't even remember me" I let out a sad chuckle, "Josh told me you wouldn't love people like us. You did before though, so how's it different from now?" I was sharing my emotions for the first time in forever and the very person I needed to hear it the most was sound asleep. Way to go Jake. "I wish we could've re-met different, but I suppose the universe works in crazy ways like that" breath, "no matter what though, I'm not letting you slip away. Not now, not again. You were too important and we all watched you walk out of our lives and now you re-enter it. I feel my whole world has went upside down" I felt myself start to tear up. She's not even conscience and is already getting the best of me. I rearranged myself from the side of the bed and laid my head just below her chest. I felt the slow thumps of her heart beat and decided it was my favorite song. "Hopefully you'll understand where we're coming from. I know you're scared, sad, mad. Please just know, we all care for you" everything was so quiet. I just wanted to hear her voice, the one that wasn't angry or full of fear. The one that I hadn't heard in ages. I took a deep sigh, "I'm so sorry Rosy".

(And the plot thickens😁 this is coming together nicely and I still have many ideas I'm messing around with. I hope y'all stick around to read more. Enjoy y'all!!!)

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