Before the storm

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Ronnie was fast to help josh. I had forgotten for a minute how prone to seizures he is. I also forgot how sam's ptsd was, I didn't think it was this bad though. I don't think none of us will ever live that day down. It was pretty intense for elementary school kids. But after Ronnie had stabilized josh, Jake helped me get him to his room. We stayed by his bed for a little until Ronnie told us it was best if we left him alone. So we existed the room and started walking down the hall.

"Jesus" I heard Jake sigh out beside me, I glanced at him and he was pinching the bridge of his nose. I felt his pain, everyone was under a lot of stress from this. I took out my phone and checked the time, it was already pass 1 am.

"I don't think we should go to school tomorrow" I commented. Our steps got slower.

"Yeah you're right" Jake said, "we should go check on Sam" I nodded my head and we headed downstairs to the library. We stood at the doorway for a minute. The fireplace was on and Sam lied sleeping with his head rested in Josie's lap, she was running her fingers through his hair silently while reading. We stepped in the room all the way and walked closer towards them.

"How is he?" I asked my little sister, she looked up from her book and looked at me.

"Well, when I lead him here he fainted. I was able to catch him and lay him down on the couch though. He started crying in his sleep but I calmed him down after a while" she said quietly. The fire crackling made it hard to hear her. I saw Jake nod.

"We're not going to school tomorrow, but you should go to bed" Jake told her, she nodded and gently lifted Sam's head off her. She gathered all her school supplies and hugged me good night, then Jake. Her shadow fading as she got further down the hallway. I saw Jake step closer to his brother. It's interesting seeing how the brothers work. They're not that affectionate towards each other, but at times like this a totally different side of each of them show. I came out of my thought, Jake was combing his fingers through Sam's hair. He got back up and turned towards me.

"Alright, we need to get him to bed" He stated.

"Well I'm not caring him" I told Jake, looking at him like he's crazy.

"Well neither am I, he's heavy as fûck" Jake whined.

"You carry him, he's your brother" I retorted.

"That doesn't mean anything, he's your best friend" He said back. I rolled my eyes.

"Rock, paper, scissors" he said coming close to me so I could see his hand. I gave him a look and he gestured to my hand. I brought it up it meet his.

Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" We said in unison. I let out a sigh, his paper beat my rock. He chuckled and moved out of my way. I saw him walk towards the fire place and put it out.

"Let's get you to bed Sammy" I said to no one in particular. I slid my arm underneath this legs while the other one went to his back. I picked him and started carrying him to the door of the library. At times where we passed the kitchen and went through the living room, Sam would occasionally move in my arms.

"You're right, he is heavy as fûck" I grunted while carefully taking one step at a time. I heard Jake chuckle behind me. We finally made it to the top of the steps. We both traveled down the hall in a comfortable silents. He opened Sam's door for me, I thanked him quietly. It was dark in his room, some towels and clothes were piled up on the floor in some areas. I'll have to remind him to clean tomorrow, I noted to myself. I laid him down on his unmade bed. Jake took off his shoes and socks and threw a blanket over him. We made sure he was situated and then stepped out, I closed his door behind us. We stood outside for a minute.

"Tomorrow's the day" he said looking at me.

"I know, we're gonna be ready" I said. He nodded, we told each other good night and walked opposite ways down the hall. My room is just a couple feet down from Sam's but I walked past my door. I peaked my head into Josie's room real quick. She was fast asleep, I closed the door and headed back to my room. As I entered and closed the door I sighed loudly. I took my shirt off and undid my pants. I disposed them in my dirty hamper and put on pj bottoms. I fell on to my bed and closed my eyes, I was out like a light.

(Sorry it's short but this is just a filler chapter, next chapter is gonna be long and hectic. Stay tuned)

Pretty Lady {G.V.F}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora