When we first met

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(Heeeeyyyy guys! I really liked the way this chapter came out. There might be some typos cause I didn't feel like proof reading so sorry!!! Other than that, enjoy!)


Flash back

My birthday was 2 weeks ago and I was officially the 3rd oldest in the group. I felt grate, grown some may say. 12 was a pretty big number. I remember Sam being a little upset at my birthday because we were clowning around and calling him the baby, but I know he didn't take it too seriously. Recently, I was informed by Mr. Kiszka that since I was 12 I'd be able to help Josh and Jacob with their 'after school extracurricular activity (?)' I guess that's what you would call it. I don't know. Mr. Kiszka and my dad were talking about it at my birthday and my mom kind of had a fit over it. For a long time Sam and I weren't able to help or hang out with the twins when they had 'work'. Jacob said we were too young, but they both started when they were 12 so I suppose it's my turn too. My mom doesn't like the idea. She keeps telling me that at anytime I don't want to do something I don't have to do i-

knock knock

I turn around in my seat and quickly stopped writing in my journal. I close it and place it back in the drawer of my desk.

"Yeah?" I call back to the closed door. My mom pokes her head around and gives me a smile.

"You're friends are here sweetie, ones in the living room" she says and walks away. I get up from my desk and put my shoes on quickly. I run down the stairs and into the living room. I see Jake waiting there for me. 

"Hey!" I say to him. I'm  always excited to see my friend.

"Hey" I hear him say back, "listen, we're gonna hang out for a little and then J and I are gonna start to show you the ropes of our job" he says after. I'm not gonna lie I'm kinda nervous about this job thing. What if I mess up? What if I'm not cut out and they don't wanna be my friend anymore? "Dan, it's gonna be ok. You'll be fine" Jake pats me on my shoulder gives me a simple smile. He rarely does that, so what he says must be true.

"Should I bring my bike?" I ask him as we walk out of the living room.

"Yeah that's probably a good idea" He says. I nod.

"Mom I'm gonna be out with Jake!" I yell from the doorway of my garage.

"Ok, be careful Danny!" She yells back.

I open the garage and take my bike out of it's parked position. As the door rises I see two extra legs. I give Jake a questioning look. He waves me off and walks forward with me.

"Danny this is cooper. Sam met him this morning, he's gonna be part of our team just like you" Josh introduces.

"Speaking of, when will I get to be part of the team" I hear Sam whine. I grin and laugh a little.

"Soon young spirit" Josh says in a funny voice.

"Oh shut up Joshua" Sam rolls his eyes and slides down the driveway on his bike.

"Well I'm Daniel, but you can call me Danny if you want" I smile and reach out my hand for him.

"Sick, well you already know I'm Cooper" we shake hands and jump on our bikes. Cooper seems very cool. I guess this isn't going to be as bad as I thought. First day and I already made a new friend.

"Wait, guys we have to go back" I hear Jake call, barely making it out of the neighborhood.

"Why?" Sam questions. We're all just stopped dead in the middle of the street.

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